Sunday, 20 July 2014

Top KPop FeMale Song of The Month...^^..

Top KPop FeMale Song of The Month...^^..

*** Some Cute Features ... (Dani Tara N4)...

 *** 5Dolls ft Dani (TARA N4)_Can You Love Me

*** Cute Dani + T_ara  N4 HandShake Event...^^..

 *** Skarf_Luv Virus

@@@ The End, +++ Enjoyed Ur Weekend ...^^..
Norshahuddin Edited July 2014...^^..

Top KPop Male Song of The Month...^^..

Top KPop Male Song of The Month...^^..

#### Just enJoyed my Life as a Man. Sometime ouR heart starT to Beat. ####

*** K Will_Day 1

*** ZE A_Breathe

@@@ The End, Enjoyed...^^..
Norshahuddin Edited July 2014...^^..

Friday, 18 July 2014

Mengatasi Keguguran Rambut...^^..

Mengatasi Keguguran Rambut...^^..

Cara mengatasi keguguran Rambut yang bisa anda praktikkan
di rumah dengan bahan-bahan alami. Karena dengan bahan alami akan
memberikan rasa yang lebih segar dan tanpa efek samping yang

*** Santan

Santan juga dapat digunakan sebagai bahan alami untuk
menumbuhkan rambut. Cara ini sudah populer sejak dahulu kala.
Terapkan 300 hingga 500 ml santan ke kulit kepala dan rambut,
tutup rambut dengan handuk hangat dan diamkan selama 15 hingga
20 menit. Lalu bilas dengan air dingin. Dengan melakukan perawatan
ini, rambut juga akan menjadi lebih lembut dan mengkilap. Bila
dilakukan secara teratur, dapat terlihat hasil yang signifikan dalam
pertumbuhan rambut. Lakukan proses ini 3 sampai 4 kali dalam

*** Minyak Zaitun

Minyak zaitun tidak hanya meningkatkan proses pertumbuhan rambut,
tetapi juga dapat menyehatkan kondisi kulit kepala Anda. Caranya
cukup teteskan empat hingga lima tetes minyak zaitun setelah
keramas, lalu pijatlah kulit kepala. Sebaiknya, lakukan pada malam
hari agar kandungan minyak zaitun terserap pada kulit kepala. Pada
pagi harinya, cuci rambut hingga bersih.

*** Telur

Cara alami menumbuhkan rambut dapat dilakukan dengan
memanfaatkan kuning telur. Terapkan kuning telur pada rambut dan
kulit kepala. Kemudian, pijatlah kulit kepala selama 10 hingga 15 menit.
Setelah itu, cuci rambut hingga bersih dengan menggunakan shampo,
agar tidak meninggalkan aroma amis pada rambut. Ada baiknya,
melakukan proses ini tiga hingga empat kali dalam seminggu.

*** Minyak Kelapa

Cara alami menumbuhkan rambut berikutnya adalah dengan minyak
kelapa. Ketombe dapat menghalangi pertumbuhan rambut. Untuk
menghilangkan ketombe dan rambut lebih cepat tumbuh, Anda dapat
mengusapkan minyak kelapa pada kulit kepala hingga rambut. Pastikan
seluruh akar rambut terkena minyak kelapa. Jika proses ini dilakukan
setiap hari, maka dalam waktu 15 hari, ketombe akan hilang dan akar
rambut yang kuat, sehingga pertumbuhan rambut bisa lebih cepat.

*** Buah Keras

Jika rambut anda selalu gugur serta nipis, cuba amalkan petua ini.
Ambil beberapa biji buah keras dan bakar sehingga bewarna
kekuningan. Tumbuk buah tadi sehingga hancur dan campurkan
dengan minyak kelapa. Pada setiap pagi, sebelum mandi sapukan
bahan tadi pada rambut dan biarkan selama 30 minit. Cuci rambut
seperti biasa. Amalkan dua kali seminggu. Insya-Allah anda akan
nampak perubahannya.

*** Ginkgo Biloba

Gingko biloba adalah bahan alami untuk menumbuhkan rambut
di kepala anda. Tanaman yang berasal dari Cina ini terkenal untuk
mengobati beberapa penyakit, salah satunya adalah untuk mengatasi
kerontokan rambut. Pengobatan alternatif ini berfungsi untuk
merangsang pertumbuhan rambut dan menguatkan batang rambut.

Cara perawatan menggunakan ginkgo biloba adalah dengan
mengoleskan minyak ginkgo biloba pada rambut dan kulit kepala.
Minyak ginkgo biloba bisa didapatkan di apotik atau di toko obat cina.

*** Kulit Apel

Kulit apel memiliki beberapa vitamin dasar yang dapat meningkatkan
sirkulasi darah ke kulit kepala. Selain itu dapat menumbuhkan rambut
secara sempurna.

Buah yang kaya polifenol ini dapat memerangi masalah rambut rontok.
Kulit apel dapat menjadikan rambut lebih sehat dan bernutrisi.
Haluskan kulit apel, lalu terapkan pada rambut, diamkan selama 15
hingga 20 menit, lalu bilas hingga bersih.

*** Teh Hijau

Teh hijau sangat baik untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan rambut.
Kandungan antioksidan yang tinggi pada teh hijau membuat sirkulasi
darah ke rambut menjadi lebih baik. Selain itu, teh hijau juga
berfungsi untuk membuat pertumbuhan rambut lebih cepat dan sehat.

Cara perawatannya adalah dengan menyeduhkan teh hijau, lalu
balurkan pada kulit kepala dan seluruh rambut. Lalu bungkus rambut
menggunakan handuk, tunggu hingga 20 menit, lalu bilas sampai bersih.

*** Biji Kemiri

Biji kemiri memiliki kandungan yang dapat menyuburkan dan
menghitamkan rambut. Cara yang dilakukan adalah dengan membakar
biji kemiri hingga hangus kemudian digiling. Kemudian oleskan ke
bahagian rambut. Baik dilakukan pada malam hari tapi jangan lupa
untuk membungkus kepala agar bantal tidak ikut hitam. Keramaslah
besok harinya dengan shampo.

*** Pijat Kulit Kepala

Seringlah melakukan pijitan pada kulit kepala anda, dengan melakukan
dengan santai dan lebih terasa nyaman. Karena dengan melakukan
hal tersebut dapat membuat proses sirkulasi pada bahagian rambut
anda menjadi lancar dan baik. Saat pemijatan bisa juga anda
menggunakan minyak yang sudah terpecaya.

*** Menggunakan Lidah Buaya

Kandungan vitamin dan mineral yang terdapat di aloevera atau lidah
buaya dapat membuat rambut anda lebih baik terutamanya
menjadikan rambut tebal dan subur. Anda bisa melakukannya dengan
cara mengambil lidah buaya lalu memotong menjadi dua bahagian.
Lalu ambil lendirnya dan oleskan pada seluruh bagian rambut sambil
memijti-mijit. Dan diamkan kurang lebih 15 menit, lalu bilas dengan

*** Telur

Protein tinggi yang terdapat di dalam telur, bisa kita manfaatkan
sebagai obat mengatasi rambut rontok. Adapun caranya adalah
sebagai berikut. Ambil sebutir telur lalu kocok ke dalam sebuah
wadah, lalu teteskan perasan jeruk lemun ke dalam telur yang sudah
di kocok tadi. Kemudian oleskan pada rambut anda.

*** Kurangi Mengikat Rambut

Jika anda suka mengikat rambut, maka hal tersebut adalah
bahagian dari penyebabnya. Maka sekarang cobalah untuk
mengurangi mengikat rambut. Tetapi jika anda ingin tetap mengikat
rambut anda bisa melakukan hal demikian dengan alasan tidak terlalu
kencang mengikatnya.

*** Madu

Sudah jadi rahasia umum bahwa madu sangat banyak sekali bisa
mengobati berbagai masalah di kesehatan. Begitu juga dengan
rambut rontok. Madu dapat membuat rambut menjadi subur dan
lebih kuat. Nah, adapun cara penggunaannya dengan cara
mengoleskan madu pada seluruh bahagian permukaan kulit kepala
dan rambut dengan sambil melakukan pemijatan selama 10 menit.
Lakukanlah cara ini serutin mungkin untuk mendapatkan hasil yang

+++ Berikut ini cara melebatkan rambut yang bisa anda coba.

Makan-makanan yang mengandung banyak protein seperti, telur,
kacang, dan lain sebagainya. Karena rambut butuh dengan yang
namanya protein sebagai makanan rambut.

Menggunakan kulit semangka, jika selama ini setelah makan
semangka lalu kulitnya dibuang. Tapi sekarang kami sarankan untuk
mengubah hal tersebut. Karena kulit semangka berguna untuk
kesuburan rambut anda. Caranya cukup mudah yaitu langsung
mengoleskan kulit semangka ke bahagian seluruh rambut.
Norshahuddin Edited July 2014...^^..

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Minyak Kelapa Untuk Tumbuhkan Rambut Dengan Cepat...^^..

Minyak Kelapa Untuk Tumbuhkan Rambut Dengan Cepat...^^..
(Dalam Kajian)

*** Begini Caranya.

Merawat rambut dengan minyak kelapa sudah lama ditinggalkan oleh
perempuan masa kini. Padahal, minyak kelapa punya nutrisi penting
yang membuat rambut menjadi sehat dan berkilau, bahkan tumbuh

Minyak kelapa, yang memang sudah lama dimanfaatkan oleh
masyarakat di daerah tropis, punya khasiat melembabkan. Karena
daya kerjanya sangat efektif, minyak kelapa murni (virgin coconut
oil) kini digunakan dalam berbagai produk perawatan rambut dan spa.
Menarik bukan ? Ketika kita sudah meninggalkan kebiasaan ini,
produsen perawatan rambut justru memproduksinya secara massa.

*** Manfaatnya untuk pertumbuhan rambut.

Minyak kelapa ideal sebagai kondisioner karena kandungan proteinnya
yang tinggi. Kemampuannya untuk melembabkan bisa menurunkan
risiko kerusakan rambut seperti rambut yang pecah-pecah atau
bercabang. Minyak kelapa juga mengandung trigliserida, molekul
lemak yang sifatnya mirip minyak alami yang dikeluarkan oleh kulit
untuk menembus batang rambut dan melindunginya dari kerusakan.

Manfaatnya untuk pertumbuhan rambut bervariasi, dari sekadar
meredakan kerontokan dan kerusakan, hingga benar-benar memicu
rambut untuk tumbuh kembali pada bahagian kulit kepala di mana
folikel rambut menghentikan fungsi alaminya.

*** Cara menggunakan minyak kelapa untuk menumbuhkan rambut.

Minyak kelapa paling baik bila digunakan dalam bentuk alaminya.
Minyak pada kelapa akan mencair ketika dipanaskan. Untuk
memanaskannya, jangan memasukkannya ke dalam microwave. Lebih
baik, tempatkan kelapa ke dalam kotak, lalu rendam kotak tersebut
dalam air panas untuk mencairkan minyaknya.

Kemudian, aplikasikan minyak kelapa tersebut di kulit kepala
menggunakan jari-jari Anda setelah membasahi rambut. Pijat kulit
kepala selama sekitar tiga menit agar minyak terserap dan memicu
pertumbuhan rambut. Anda juga bisa mengoleskan minyak kelapa
ke seluruh rambut untuk mengambil manfaat kondisionernya.

Tentu saja, Anda tidak bisa berharap bisa melihat hasilnya dalam
waktu singkat. Butuh waktu lebih dari dua minggu untuk melihat
perbaikan pada kesehatan dan penampilan rambut. Anda juga akan
memerlukan waktu lebih lama untuk melihat apakah pertumbuhan
rambut Anda sudah terjadi.

*** Keramas setiap dua hari.

Ketika Anda menggunakan minyak kelapa secara teratur untuk
menumbuhkan rambut, Anda perlu mencuci rambut setiap dua hari
sekali supaya folikel rambut tidak tersumbat. Jika Anda tidak cukup
membersihkan rambut dengan sampo, minyak kelapa bisa mengumpul
di akar rambut. Bila hal itu terjadi, efeknya justru akan
bertentangan dengan apa yang Anda harapkan. Rambut tidak tumbuh,
malahan rambut Anda akan terasa sangat berminyak.
Norshahuddin Edited July 2014...^^..

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

THE FROG PRINCE (012)_Grimms' Fairy Tales by The Brothers Grimm...^^..

THE FROG PRINCE (012)_Grimms' Fairy Tales by The Brothers

One fine evening a young princess put on her bonnet and clogs, and
went out to take a walk by herself in a wood; and when she came
to a cool spring of water, that rose in the midst of it, she sat
herself down to rest a while. Now she had a golden ball in her hand,
which was her favourite plaything; and she was always tossing it
up into the air, and catching it again as it fell. After a time she
threw it up so high that she missed catching it as it fell; and the
ball bounded away, and rolled along upon the ground, till at last
it fell down into the spring.

The princess looked into the spring after her ball, but it was very
deep, so deep that she could not see the bottom of it. Then she
began to bewail (promise/hostile action) her loss, and said, " Alas !
if I could only get my ball again, I would give all my fine clothes
and jewels, and everything that I have in the world." Whilst she
was speaking, a frog put its head out of the water, and said,
" Princess, why do you weep (Shed tears because of sadness,
rage, or pain) so bitterly ?"

" Alas !" said she, " What can you do for me, you nasty frog ?
My golden ball has fallen into the spring." The frog said, " I want
not your pearls, and jewels, and fine clothes; but if you will love
me, and let me live with you and eat from off your golden plate,
and sleep upon your bed, I will bring you your ball again." " What
nonsense," thought the princess, " This silly frog is talking ! He
can never even get out of the spring to visit me, though he may
be able to get my ball for me, and therefore I will tell him he
shall have what he asks." So she said to the frog,

" Well, if you will bring me my ball, I will do all you ask." Then the
frog put his head down, and dived deep under the water; and after
a little while he came up again, with the ball in his mouth, and
threw it on the edge of the spring. As soon as the young princess
saw her ball, she ran to pick it up; and she was so overjoyed to
have it in her hand again, that she never thought of the frog, but
ran home with it as fast as she could.

The frog called after her, " Stay, princess, and take me with you
as you said," But she did not stop to hear a word. The next day,
just as the princess had sat down to dinner, she heard a strange
noise—tap, tap—plash, plash—as if something was coming up the
marble staircase: and soon afterwards there was a gentle knock
at the door, and a little voice cried out and said:

" Open the door, my princess dear,
Open the door to thy true love here !
And mind the words that thou and I said
By the fountain cool, in the greenwood shade."

Then the princess ran to the door and opened it, and there she saw
the frog, whom she had quite forgotten. At this sight she was sadly
frightened, and shutting the door as fast as she could came back
to her seat. The king, her father, seeing that something had
frightened her, asked her what was the matter. " There is a nasty
frog," said she, " at the door, that lifted my ball for me out of
the spring this morning: I told him that he should live with me
here, thinking that he could never get out of the spring; but there
he is at the door, and he wants to come in."

While she was speaking the frog knocked again at the door, and

" Open the door, my princess dear,
Open the door to thy true love here !
And mind the words that thou and I said
By the fountain cool, in the greenwood shade."

Then the king said to the young princess, " As you have given your
word you must keep it; so go and let him in." She did so, and the
frog hopped into the room, and then straight on_tap, tap—plash,
plash— from the bottom of the room to the top, till he came up
close to the table where the princess sat. " Pray lift me upon
chair," said he to the princess, " and let me sit next to you." As
soon as she had done this, the frog said, " Put your plate nearer
to me, that I may eat out of it." This she did, and when he had
eaten as much as he could, he said, " Now I am tired; carry me
upstairs, and put me into your bed." 

And the princess, though very unwilling, took him up in her hand,
and put him upon the pillow of her own bed, where he slept all
night long. As soon as it was light he jumped up, hopped
downstairs, and went out of the house. " Now, then," thought
the princess, " at last he is gone, and I shall be troubled with him
no more." But she was mistaken; for when night came again she
heard the same tapping at the door; and the frog came once
more, and said:

" Open the door, my princess dear,
Open the door to thy true love here !
And mind the words that thou and I said
By the fountain cool, in the greenwood shade."

And when the princess opened the door the frog came in, and
slept upon her pillow as before, till the morning broke. And the
third night he did the same. But when the princess awoke on
the following morning she was astonished to see, instead of the
frog, a handsome prince, gazing on her with the most beautiful
eyes she had ever seen, and standing at the head of her bed.

He told her that he had been enchanted by a spiteful fairy, who
had changed him into a frog; and that he had been fated so to
abide till some princess should take him out of the spring, and
let him eat from her plate, and sleep upon her bed for three
nights. " You," said the prince, " have broken his cruel charm,
and now I have nothing to wish for but that you should go with
me into my father’s kingdom, where I will marry you, and love
you as long as you live."

The young princess, you may be sure, was not long in saying
" Yes" to all this; and as they spoke a gay coach drove up, with
eight beautiful horses, decked with plumes of feathers and a
golden harness; and behind the coach rode the prince’s servant,
faithful Heinrich, who had bewailed the misfortunes of his dear
master during his enchantment so long and so bitterly, that his
heart had well nigh burst.

They then took leave of the king, and got into the coach with
eight horses, and all set out, full of joy and merriment, for the
prince’s kingdom, which they reached safely; and there they
lived happily a great many years.
Norshahuddin Edited July 2014...^^..

THE WILLOW WREN AND THE BEAR (011)_Grimms' Fairy Tales by The Brothers Grimm...^^..

THE WILLOW WREN AND THE BEAR (011)_Grimms' Fairy Tales
by The Brothers Grimm...^^..

Once in summer time the bear and the wolf were walking in the
forest, and the bear heard a bird singing so beautifully that he
said: " Brother wolf, what bird is it that sings so well ?" "That is
the King of birds," said the wolf, " before whom we must bow
down." In reality the bird was the willow wren (several small
active brown birds of the northern hemisphere with short upright
tails; they feed on insects). " If that’s the case," said the bear,
" I should very much like to see his royal palace; come, take me
there." " That is not done quite as you seem to think," said the wolf;
" You must wait until the Queen comes," Soon afterwards, the
Queen arrived with some food in her beak, and the lord King came
too, and they began to feed their young ones.

The bear would have liked to go at once, but the wolf held him back
by the sleeve, and said: " No, you must wait until the lord and
lady Queen have gone away again." So they took stock of the hole
where the nest lay, and trotted away. The bear, however, could
not rest until he had seen the royal palace, and when a short time
had passed, went to it again. The King and Queen had just flown
out, so he peeped in and saw five or six young ones lying there.
" Is that the royal palace ?" cried the bear; " It is a wretched
palace, and you are not King’s children, you are disreputable
children !"

When the young wrens heard that, they were frightfully angry, and
screamed: " No, that we are not ! Our parents are honest people !
Bear, you will have to pay for that !" The bear and the wolf grew
uneasy, and turned back and went into their holes. The young
willow wrens, however, continued to cry and scream, and when
their parents again brought food they said: " We will not so much
as touch one fly’s leg, no, not if we were dying of hunger, until you
have settled whether we are respectable children or not; the bear
has been here and has insulted us !"

Then the old King said: " Be easy, he shall be punished," and he at
once flew with the Queen to the bear’s cave, and called in:
" Old Growler, why have you insulted my children ? You shall
suffer for it we will punish you by a bloody war." Thus war was
announced to the Bear, and all four footed animals were summoned
to take part in it, oxen, asses, cows, deer, and every other animal
the earth contained. And the willow wren summoned everything
which flew in the air, not only birds, large and small, but midges,
and hornets, bees and flies had to come. When the time came for
the war to begin, the willow wren sent out spies to discover who
was the enemy’s commander in chief.

The gnat (small biting flies: midges; biting midges; black flies;
sand flies, mosquito), who was the most crafty, flew into the
forest where the enemy was assembled, and hide herself beneath
a leaf of the tree where the password was to be announced.
There stood the bear, and he called the fox before him and said:
" Fox, you are the most cunning of all animals, you shall be general
and lead us." " Good," said the fox, " But what signal shall we
agree upon ?" No one knew that, so the fox said: " I have a fine
long bushy tail, which almost looks like a plume of red feathers.
When I lift my tail up quite high, all is going well, and you must
charge; but if I let it hang down, run away as fast as you can." 

When the gnat had heard that, she flew away again, and revealed
everything, down to the minutest detail, to the willow wren. When
day broke, and the battle was to begin, all the fourfooted animals
came running up with such a noise that the earth trembled. The
willow wren with his army also came flying through the air with
such a humming, and whirring, and swarming that every one was
uneasy and afraid, and on both sides they advanced against each
other. But the willow wren sent down the hornet, with orders to
settle beneath the fox’s tail, and sting with all his might.

When the fox felt the first string, he started so that he one leg,
from pain, but he bore it, and still kept his tail high in the air; at
the second sting, he was forced to put it down for a moment; at
the third, he could hold out no longer, screamed, and put his tail
between his legs. When the animals saw that, they thought all was
lost, and began to flee, each into his hole, and the birds had won
the battle. Then the King and Queen flew home to their children
and cried: " Children, rejoice, eat and drink to your heart’s
content, we have won the battle !" But the young wrens said:

" We will not eat yet, the bear must come to the nest, and beg for
pardon and say that we are honourable children, before we will do
that." Then the willow wren flew to the bear’s hole and cried:
" Growler, you are to come to the nest to my children, and beg
their pardon, or else every rib of your body shall be broken." So
the bear crept thither in the greatest fear, and begged their
pardon. And now at last the young wrens were satisfied, and sat
down together and ate and drank, and made merry till quite late
into the night.
Norshahuddin Edited July 2014...^^..

Monday, 14 July 2014

Scorpio Habits (October 23 - November 21)...^^..

Scorpio Habits (October 23 - November 21)...^^..

*** Scorpio Strength Keywords:

- Loyal
- Passionate
- Resourceful
- Observant
- Dynamic

*** Scorpio Weakness Keywords:

- Jealous
- Obsessive
- Suspicious
- Manipulative
- Unyielding

*** Scorpio Independence:

Scorpios are Fiercely Independent. They are able to accomplish
anything they put their mind to and they won't give up. They are
perfectly suited to being on their own. They are not social
butterflies like some other zodiac signs and some actually prefer
to live on their own that way there is never any issue of who
controls what at home, they like to be in control.

*** Scorpio Friendship:

Relationships with Scorpio are always Complicated, just like the
person, their relationships are a series of extremes, they can even
be downright moody for no apparent reason. Scorpios are known
for their possessiveness and jealousy but on the other hand, they
are extremely loyal. Scorpios have an Excellent Memory and
combined with an inability to let things go, they can hold a grudge
against someone who did them harm forever, in fact a Scorpio
rarely if Never Forgives and Forgets.

They will even go as far as get vengeance on the person. On the
other hand, they will always remember a kind gesture forever and
repay it. Any kind selfless gesture done to a Scorpio will gain trust
and respect which is extremely important to them in any relationship,
either romantic or not. The best advice is to be honest with a Scorpio
friend and in return, you will gain an amazing friend you will never
forget and who will be loyal to you and never make false promises.

Their truthful and shocking sense of humor if different than that
of any other zodiac sign and the Scorpio makes an amazing,
powerful interesting friend that can be trusted.

*** Scorpio Business:

Scorpios make Excellent doctors, surgeons, scientists and leaders,
they are perfectly suited to any form of business that makes a
difference in the world, greatly impacts people and society and
a most importantly, Scorpio has to be in a power position, this is
why these careers are suited to the Scorpio, they all demand one
person in supreme control giving orders and leading a unit of

In business, Scorpios tend to easily gather wealth, they make
very wise business decisions and they are very conservative about
spending their money. Scorpios are known for making money and
hiding it, they will not announce it due to to fear that others will
take the same route and becoming a possible competitor, or worse
try to use the Scorpio to their advantage to use them for their

*** Scorpio Temperament:

Scorpios are Extremely Ambitious, Persistent and Determined
which is shown through a power hungry, controlling attitude. Not
in a stubborn sense however, because a Scorpio will work for what
they want and control will justified reasons. This is obvious to any
onlooker. A Scorpio never gives up, they are so determined to reach
their goal.

The key to this success is their Flexibility. They are able to
re-survey a situation and take a different approach if necessary.
This makes them Very Adaptable and Versatile. Scorpios are fierce
competitors, combined with their powers of observation and their
excellent memory, they will recall facts and when necessary, bring
them to the table at the time of need. They will win justly, with
proper facts and arguments to support their thoughts and opinions.

Scorpios are excellent at restoring order to a Chaotic Situation
and they are just as capable of Manipulating for their own greed
and benefit. The unevolved Scorpio is a very dangerous person
because they use their powers to benefit only them and step on
other people in order to satisfy their own greed.

*** Scorpio Deep Inside:

Scorpio is the Most Misunderstood of all astrology signs. They are
all about intensity and contradictions. They like to be aware of
a situation and always know what's going on, figuring this out
with their probing mind, on the other hand, they are interested
in the occult, the paranormal, conspiracy theories and other types
of similar unknown mysteries. They are very capable of hiding
their true feelings and motivations, they often have ulterior motives
or a hidden agenda.

Scorpios are all about control, they need to be in control at all
times. To be out of control is very threatening, even dangerous to
the Scorpio's psyche, when they control, they feel safe.
Scorpios are very emotional, their emotions are intensified, both
good emotions and bad. Negative emotions of jealousy and
resentment are hallmarks of this turbulent astrology sign.

On the other side, Scorpios are well known for their forceful and
powerful drive to succeed and their amazing dedication. Scorpios
are constantly trying to understand their emotions through finding
a deeper purpose in life. Scorpios are very intuitive, but not as in
a psychic sense, more as intuitive into the human mind, they have
a great understanding of the mystery and the power of the human

Scorpios have a fear of failure which they keep hidden extremely
well, should their confrontation not be successful, or their career
fail, they will simply use their adaptive skill to quickly move and
leave the bad experience behind. Do not ever expect them to fess
up or share their tale with anyone however because this shows
signs of weakness and Scorpio always wins, they are always the
self proclaimed best !

One of the reasons they seem like they always accomplish their
goals is because they set tangible short term goals that they know
they can accomplish, they know what they are capable of and this
is what they go for.

Scorpios are very weary about trusting anyone, a person needs to
gain their trust and this gets built up over time and once all the
" trust tests" have been passed, Scorpio loves deeply and intensely.
Underneath the cool exterior, energies and emotions are constantly
flowing but the Scorpio deals with this be channeling this into
useful activities, hobbies, relationships or a career.

This is never apparent to the outside observer but knowing this fact
explains why Scorpios are so passionate about whatever it is that
they are undertaking. Scorpios have powerful instincts and they
trust their own gut feeling which is another reason why a Scorpio
seldom fails.

The ongoing lesson in life for those born under the Scorpio zodiac
signs, is to channel their powerful energy into positive goals and not
succumbing to the darker forces in life such as manipulation and
greed, they will then have great success in their life and have a
clean, happy conscience and a circle of friends they can trust
and hold dear to them.

*** Scorpio in a Nutshell:

Scorpio is the astrology sign of Extremes and Intensity. Scorpios
are very deep, intense people, there is always more then meets the
eye. They present a cool, detached and unemotional air to the
world yet lying underneath is tremendous power, extreme strength,
intense passion and a strong will and a persistent drive.

Scorpios have a very penetrative mind, do not be surprised if they
ask questions, they are trying to develop deeper and figure things
out and survey the situation. They always want to know why, where
and any other possible detail they can possibly know. Scorpio's are
very weary of the games that other people try to play and they
are very aware of it.

Scorpios tend to dominate and control anyone that lets them, or
anyone that they find weak. The person that a Scorpio respects
and holds close to them is treated with amazing kindness, loyalty
and generosity. On the outside, a Scorpio has great secretiveness
and mystery. This magnetically draws people to them. They are
known to be controlling and too ambitious but only because they
need control for this makes them feel safe.
Norshahuddin Edited July 2014...^^..

K' Dash Biography...^^..

K' Dash Biography...^^..

K' (, Kei Dasshu, " K Dash"), sometimes known as " K Prime", is a
character who debuted as the leader of the Hero Team in the
tournament of The King of Fighters '99.

K' (real name unknown) was a normal child who lived happily with
his sister, Seirah. One day, they were captured by NESTS, a crime
syndicate who dealt with drugs, genetics, robotics and
biotechnology. K' was kept under NESTS and trained to be some
kind of weapon.

In 1998, K' was made to participate in the Kusanagi cloning program.
He was infused with Kyo Kusanagi's DNA, which gave him the power
of pyrokinesis. During the program, K's memory was tinkered with,
and he was made to believe that he was Krizalid's clone. Any real
memories from his past has either been erased by NESTS,
forgotten, or repressed.

Under NESTS orders, he and Maxima joined the King of Fighters
tournament with Benimaru Nikaido and Shingo Yabuki. The team
makes it to the finals and are sent to a place where Krizalid waits
for them. He poses as the tournament's host and fights them to
gather their battle data energy. He hoped to use the data to
activate the thousands of listless Kyo clones around the globe.

However, K' defeats him and the team learns that Krizalid was
merely a pawn for NESTS. Shortly afterward, Krizalid is executed
by his superior. When the base collapses, K' and Maxima are divided
from their team and hunted down by the Ikari squad. They survive
the ambush and continue their resistance by leaving the organization.
K's personal reason for doing so is find a way to regain his lost

The next year, K' and Maxima were joined by mercenaries Vanessa
and Ramon. They entered the tournament to discover NESTS
scheme, but Vanessa and Ramon were there to capture K' and
Maxima at the end of the tournament, since they were working
for Ling and Heidern. Their team makes it to the finals where they
encounter Zero. Although K' defeats the traitor, they are unable
to stop the Zero Cannon from firing.

Unknown to them, Kula Diamond and her team destroy it and save
the world from further damage. K' and Maxima are once again
separated from their teammates after the tournament's climax.
Whip finds them, reveals her relation to K', and joins their
resistance effort.

They spend the remainder of the year hunting down NESTS's bases
around the globe. Though they have stumped some of the syndicate's
plans, none of the bases were the main headquarters they were
hoping for. K' and company enter the 2001 tournament with Lin,
who tracked their movements in his personal hunt for Ron.

Once his team makes it to the finals, they are lifted into a spaceship
and are confronted by the real Zero. He reveals to the frustrated
K' that they are on their way to the syndicate's main headquarters
and will meet the real leader to NESTS. Once they reach the
satellite, they meet Nests, Misty, and Igniz. Although Nests requests
their neutral cooperation, he is quickly killed by Igniz. There, they
learn that they are merely cyborgs (or clones) purely created for
Igniz's personal entertainment.

K's team faces the villain and defeats him, which motivates Igniz to
kamikaze the satellite to Earth. It harmlessly falls in the ocean
apparently thanks to Ron with most of its passengers safe. Emerging
from the wreck, K' forms an alliance with Kula and Diana. Both of
them want to make their own future and make up for the time lost
in their lives.

In 2003, Chin Gentsai visits K' and Maxima and requests that they
enter the tournament. Chin, feeling a dark wave of energy around
KOF that year, wants them to investigate it in his place. K' and
company make it to the finals and face Mukai. K' defeats him, but
is bothered by his taunts about regaining his memories, as well
as reaching his true potential. Mukai's words continue to haunt him
in the following tournament, leading K' to wonder if he can surpass
his fate as " The second Kusanagi flame".

At the end of the XI tournament, K' and his teammates were invited
by Heidern to attend a lecture about the mysterious group known
as Those from the Past. Heidern said he had Magaki's body, but
they were attacked by two children who took the body away. K'
had absolutely no interest in entering the KOF XIII tournament,
and is upset when Chin calls him once more at his apartment with

Since he soon learns from Chin and Kula that they're in the newest
tournament, K' is forced to enter against his own will.

**** Personality. ****

K' has a very serious personality but is very easy to enrage. He is
starting to treat Whip as a big sister and Kula as a little sister. He
often calls Maxima names like " stupid", " idiot", ect. But he actually
trusts his partner's reliability. He is hardly polite and is always
gruff, even to those close to him.

Because K' usually expresses his concerns in a " Tough guy" manner,
Maxima jokingly calls him dishonest or stiff. He sees Kyo as a rival
and wants to prove he is better than him, not as only a clone.

In KOF XIII, several fighters often point out K's rather immature
personality (" whiny", lazy, anti-social and constantly rude to others)
in their prefight dialogues against him.

**** Powers. ****

        Pyrokinesis - K' can control fire.
        Create Fire - K' can control fire out of nowhere.
        Fire Projectile - K' can throw fireballs.
        Fire Attacks - K' can add damage to his normal attacks with
        Explosion - K' can create an explosion by touching his enemy.
       Translocation - K' can translocate himself.

**** Fighting Style. ****

K's fighting style is said to be " Pure Violence", but it has several
similarities with Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do. He even uses some of
his famous moves, such as the One inch punch and Flying Kicks.
He also tends to throw his sunglasses at his foe during battle.

Most of his mannerisms are either somewhat lazy (due to his
disinterest in fighting) and/or are relentless as a nod to his more
frustrated side of his personality. Most of his flames tend to come
from his right hand due to his limitations, but K' can work around
this handicap in combat regardless, and is regarded as one of the
best fighters in the KOF universe.

And despite his laziness, K' is shown to also be rather flexible
(evidenced by his pre-KOF XI blowback attack, Minutes Spike,
and Crow Bites Plus).
Norshahuddin Edited July 2014...^^..

10 Signs He's Not The One For You...^^..

10 Signs He's Not The One For You...^^..

Some people say they "just knew" that they were dating their
future spouse. But what about the rest of us ? What happens when
you're not sure if he's The One ? If you're considering long-term
commitment or marriage, it's time to ask yourself some tough
questions. Below, 10 signs that may indicate he's not for you.

1@ You have a list of things he needs to stop doing/saying/wearing
if he wants your relationship to work. If you're fixating on his flaws,
he's either not the one you want or you're not ready for a serious
relationship. Cutting him loose allows you time to grow and gives
you the opportunity to meet a guy whose flaws you can embrace
or at least accept.

2@ You don't trust him. A small dose of jealousy can be healthy,
but if you're hacking into his email account, and going berserk
when he goes out without you, something's wrong. If there's
something about him that truly warrants your distrust, then
perhaps he's not the right one for you.

3@ You avoid conflict at any cost. Fighting is healthy. And, when
done right (in the non-accusatory, rational sort of way), it can be
a great way to air grievances, fix problems in your relationship,
and come to a deeper understanding of each other. Ignoring
problems is not the same as having no problems at all... even if
it looks that way.

4@ When you're sad, you don't turn to him for comfort. When
you're a giant ball of tears and snot, do you lock yourself into
the bathroom so he can't see you at your worst ? If you're
worried about scaring him away, one of you isn't ready for total
commitment. Mr. Right should make you smile through your tears
and be a calming, not stressful, presence.

5@ One of you is struggling with an addiction. He's sweet. He's
exciting. He loves you very much. But he loves his alcohol habit or
his weekly gambling fix more. Don't fool yourself into thinking
that you can change him or that your relationship will be strong
enough to withstand the heartache that addiction will inevitably
bring. An addict may be able to change, but he'll do so on his own

6@ You can't really imagine him as the father of your children. Ask
yourself: Would he make a great parent ? Is he financially
responsible ? Would he be equal partner in your future together ?
If you have doubts, he's probably not the one.

7@ Your long-term, non-negotiable goals in life are incompatible.
You want kids; he doesn't. You go to church every week; he's an
atheist. He lives in the country and doesn't want to move; you
can't imagine ever leaving the city. Superficial differences can be
overcome, but differences in basic values are harder to smooth
over. Ask yourself: " Would I be willing to compromise on this ?"
If the answer is absolutely not, you may not be right for each other.

8@ You don't respect each other. He puts you down in front of
your friends and complains about you to his parents. You roll your
eyes when he talks because there's just something about him that
embarrasses you. A relationship without respect can't sustain itself.

9@ You're not attracted to him. Physical intimacy is a hugely
important component of a romantic relationship. If he doesn't do
it for you, he's probably not your best long-term match.

10@ On paper he seems great, but you have this strange feeling...
Don't ignore your gut. You may get along on a superficial level,
but if your instincts are telling you he's not the one for you, listen.
That little voice inside your head does not lie.
Norshahuddin Edited July 2014...^^..

Gadisss Itu Suciii...^^..

Gadisss Itu Suciii...^^..

Gadis yang masih suci mempunyai dahi yang licin. Gadis yang suci
serta tubuhnya belum disentuh oleh lelaki, hujung hidungnya
berwarna kemerah-merahan dan jika disentuh hujung hidungnya
nampak merah. Gadis yang suci matanya berseri-seri dan tidak ada
warna hitam, lebam atau kedutan. Apabila gadis itu ketawa, di bawah
kelopak matanya tidak terdapat apapun, seperti kedutan, garis dan

Gadis yang belum pernah dicium bibirnya kelihatan berwarna merah
jambu dan tidak ada garis lebam (bengkak) atau hitam di sekitar
bibirnya. Bibir gadis yang tidak pernah dicium tidak kelihatan pucat
dan bibirnya licin serta basah.

Gadis yang suci, bila berbicara disekitar pipi kanannya maupun kiri
cepat berpeluh, dan peluhnya akan keluar walaupun berada
di tempat yang sejuk. Peluh yang dimaksud mungkin tidak nampak
kecuali dilap dengan tisu. Gadis yang suci, kedua telapak tangannya
sangat halus dan licin. Kadang-kadang urat-urat pada kedua telapak
tangannya tersusun rapi dan halus seperti benang.

Ramai gadis atau wanita yang tidak mengetahui rahsia tentang
kejelitaan mereka terletak pada pipi. Pipi yang lembut, tidak
berjerawat serta sentiasa berseri akan memperlihatkan kejelitaan
si gadis. Sudah tentu semua gadis menginginkan pipi mereka tidak
berjerawat, gebu, kemerah-merahan dan menampilkan keayuan
kerana kelembutan pipinya.

Mengikut kajian, jika pipi gadis itu licin, gebu dan kemerah-merahan
serta tiada langsung kesan memakai peralatan solek seperti pemerah
pipi, bedak atau cecair pelembab muka, bermakna gadis itu masih
suci. Gadis yang berdara selalunya tidak suka mengenakan make up.

Terdapat juga gadis yang masih suci suka bermake-up, tetapi cara
mereka bermake up tidak terlalu menonjol seperti seseorang yang
ingin memikat lelaki (memakai bedak dan pewangi ala-ala kadar
sahaja, sekadar ambil syarat sahaja)

Pada raut pipi gadis yang masih suci, kelihatan merah apabila
disentuh lelaki yang bukan muhrim. Terkadang raut wajah mereka
menjadi merah apabila berbual atau berhadapan dengan lelaki.
Mereka agak sukar untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan lelaki. Jika
seseorang itu mempunyai lesung pipi, lesung pipinya kelihatan
melekuk ke dalam dan terserlah kejelitaannya.

Itulah hikmahnya bentuk pipi yang menampilkan kejelitaan serta
bukti yang menyatakan seseorang gadis itu masih suci. Tidak ramai
yang mengetahui bahawa gadis yang cantik adalah gadis yang masih

Cara berjalan seorang anak gadis agak sopan sedikit, langkah kaki
dan pergerakannya tidak panjang dan tidak tergesa-gesa dalam
setiap tindakannya. Kalau gadis yang masih perawan, kemaluannya
sentiasa tertutup rapat. Mengenali raut wajah seseorang gadis
yang masih suci terlalu mudah dengan hanya sekali pandang sahaja
berbanding penelitian secara jarak dekat, umpamanya pada tapak

Penelitian secara terbuka kepada raut wajah gadis biasanya boleh
dilihat dengan hanya melalui pandangan pertama sewaktu berkenalan
dengannya, atau bertanya sendiri kepada rakan anda yang sering
bertemu dengannya.
Norshahuddin Edited July 2014...^^..

Monday, 7 July 2014

Warisan Melayu_Simpulan Bahasa 2...^^..

Warisan Melayu_Simpulan Bahasa 2...^^..

Contoh-Contoh Simpulan Bahasa Dan Erti.

@@@ A: Aspek Manusia dan Alam Sekitar.

** A **

Ada Angin:
1@ Mempunyai kemahuan.
2@ Perasaan atau hasrat yang tinggi.

Ada Bakat:
Mempunyai beberapa sifat, kelebihan atau keutamaan di dalam sesuatu

Ada Buah:
Mempunyai sebab ataupun tujuan yang tertentu.

Ada Hati:
1@ Mempunyai fikiran atau perasaan.
2@ Ada kemahuan.

Ada Riak:
Ada tanda-tanda bahawa akan terjadi sesuatu perkara.

Adu Kening:
Dipersandingkan ataupun diperhadapkan.

Ahli Kitab:
Orang Yahudi serta Nasrani yang diberikan kitab Taurat dan Injil
oleh Tuhan sebagai sumber pegangan mereka.

Air Atma Jiwa:
Air pelanjut umur dan sering digunakan untuk melanjutkan usia
seseorang dengan bantuan Allah.

Air Emas ( Tinta Emas):
Sesuatu yang diingati untuk selama-lamanya.

Air Keras:
Air penahan yang digunakan supaya sesuatu barang yang disimpan
itu tidak rosak ataupun musnah.

Air Liur Basi:
Sesuatu pertolongan yang dinyatakan ( dipinta) secara perkataan
( lisan) sahaja dan tidak disertai dengan upah sedikitpun.

Air Mati:
1@ Air yang sudah dimasak.
2@ Air laut yang tidak pasang surut.

Air Muka:
Gambaran perasaan seseorang, suka atau gembira.
Taraf kemuliaan seseorang. Maruah.

Air Sembilan:
Air pemandi mayat.

Air Tawar:
1@ Air yang tidak mempunyai apa-apa rasa, seperti tidak manis.
2@ Air yang menjadi ubat ( penawar) sesudah dijampi oleh dukun
atau pawang.

Akal Panjang:
Seseorang yang berfikiran matang dan luas ruang cakupan lingkup

Akhir Zaman:
Masa yang paling dekat dengan Kiamat ataupun masa di mana manusia
sudah mulai melupakan perintah Allah.

Alas Kaki:
Memakai kasut atau selipar.

Alas Kubur:
Pembayar hutang yang ditanggung oleh si mati.

Alas Perut:
Memakan sedikit makanan untuk menahan lapar.

Alih Langkah:
Menukar sesuatu usaha kepada usaha yang lain.

Aliran Zaman:
Peralihan ataupun perubahan masa.

Ambil Angin:
Bersiar-siar kerana berehat, sesudah bekerja atau belajar.

Ambil Bahagian:
Menyertai sesuatu pergerakan secara aktif.

Ambil Hati:
1@ Bersikap atau bertindak untuk menyukakan hati seseorang.
2@ Merajuk dan menaruh perasaan marah terhadap seseorang.

Ambil Langkah:
Melakukan sesuatu tindakan secara baik bagi menjayakan sesuatu.

Anak Air:
Sungai kecil.

Anak Dagang:
1@ Orang asing.
2@ Orang yang berdagang atau merantau.

Anak Kapal:

Anak Tempatan:
Anak kampung atau anak negeri sendiri.

Desas-desus tentang sesuatu peristiwa yang belum pasti kesahihannya.

Angin Lalu:
Pesan ataupun khabar.

Angkat Kaki:
Melarikan diri dari sesuatu tempat kerana sesuatu hal atau perkara.

Angkat Mata:
Rasa bebas atau lapang ( setelah selesai mengalami sesuatu kesukaran).

Angkat Muka:
1@ Menunjukkan keberanian dan tidak berapa takut kepada sesiapa.
2@ Berbesar diri.

Angkatan Muda:
Golongan muda-mudi yang berfahaman moden.

Sesuatu yang bersangkutan di antara satu bangsa atau negara dengan
bangsa atau negara lain di dunia.

Atas Angin:
Negara-negara di sebelah Barat.

Atas Pagar:
Orang yang tidak menyebelahi mana-mana pihak yang bermusuhan
(baik pertubuhan, parti politik mahupun individu).

Ayam Wangkang ( Ayam Raga):
Seseorang yang bukannya ahli di dalam sesuatu perlawanan atau
bukannya peserta di dalam sesuatu pertandingan.

Ayat Allah:
Ayat-ayat suci al Quran. Tanda-tanda dan bukti-bukti kekuasaan
Allah s.w.t. di alam semesta ini.

#### Peliharalah Bahasa Ibunda Negara Kita (Bahasa Melayu),
agar IdentitiNya tidak Luput dimakan keModenan zaman. ####
Norshahuddin Edited July 2014...^^..

Warisan Melayu_Simpulan Bahasa...^^..

Warisan Melayu_Simpulan Bahasa...^^..

Simpulan Bahasa

@@@ Pengertian Simpulan Bahasa

Simpulan bahasa adalah satu rangkaian perkataan yang dirumuskan
mengikut susunan tertentu untuk membawa sesuatu maksud tertentu.
Dari segi maksudnya ia membawa erti yang berlainan daripada
perkataan yang digunakan. Kita tidak boleh memberikan pengertian
terhadap sesuatu simpulan bahasa itu dengan hanya berdasarkan
makna tersuratnya sahaja kerana untuk memahami sesuatu simpulan
bahasa itu, kita semestinya melihat makna tersiratnya, iaitu makna
di sebalik yang  tersurat apa yang tertulis.

Dalam konteks simpulan bahasa, apabila kita memisahkan sesuatu
perkataan di dalamnya, ia akan menjadi perkataan yang tersendiri
dan hanya membawa makna asalnya sahaja. Sebaliknya, apabila
perkataan tersebut dirangkaikan dengan perkataan yang satu lagi,
maka maknanya akan berubah dari makna perkataan asalnya tadi.

Berdasarkan pengertian di atas, cuba perhatikan perkataan yang
diberikan ini:

1@ Makan
Makna asal perkataan ini ialah 'memamah atau mengunyah dan
kemudian menelan sesuatu bahan makanan'. Sebaliknya, apabila
perkataan ' makan' dirangkaikan dengan perkataan ' angkat'
menjadi simpulan bahasa: ' Makan angkat' Dalam konteks ini
makan angkat membawa pengertian seseorang yang suka dipuji.

2@ Buah
' Buah' dalam pengertian biasa diertikan sebahagian daripada
tumbuh-tumbuhan yang terjadi daripada bunga atau putik (biasanya
berbiji). Apabila perkataan ' buah' ini dirangkaikan dengan ' tangan',
maknanya juga telah berubah sama sekali. Buah tangan bukan
bermaksud buah-buahan lagi, sebaliknya membawa maksud ' barang-
barang yang dibawa untuk diberikan kepada seseorang ( sama ada
kepada kaum keluarga, sahabat handai ataupun kenalan) semasa
melawat mereka'.

3@ Anak Tangga
Simpulan bahasa ' anak tangga' bukan bermaksud ' kayu atau batu
atau besi yang menjadi mata tangga di sesebuah tangga' ( maksud
tersurat). Sebaliknya, simpulan bahasa ini membawa maksud tahap-
tahap yang harus dilakukan atau dilalui oleh seseorang untuk
meningkat maju di dalam sesuatu lapangan.

Begitulah juga dengan perkataan-perkataan lain yang membentuk
simpulan bahasa seperti makan suap, tumbuk rusuk, makan hati,
beri muka, buah hati dan hidung tinggi.

@@@ Penjenisan

Terdapat beberapa jenis simpulan bahasa dalam bahasa Malaysia.
Antaranya ialah:

A@ Simpulan bahasa yang mempunyai dua makna.
B@ Simpulan bahasa yang berlainan tetapi mempunyai erti yang sama.

## A@ Simpulan Bahasa yang Mempunyai Dua Makna.

Di antara simpulan bahasa yang tergolong dalam kumpulan ini ialah:

Ada Angin:
1@ Mempunyai kemahuan atau keinginan untuk mendapatkan sesuatu.
2@ Sikap atau perasaan seseorang yang suka meninggi diri.

Anak Buah:
1@ Seseorang atau orang-orang yang berada di bawah pengawasan
seseorang ketua seperti ketua pejabat atau penghulu.
2@ Anak saudara.

Langgar Bahasa:
1@ Bercakap dengan menggunakan bahasa yang kasar.
2@ Tingkah laku atau kelakuan seseorang yang tidak sopan.

## B@ Simpulan Bahasa yang Berlainan tetapi Mempunyai Erti yang

Di antara simpulan-simpulan bahasa yang tergolong dalam kumpulan
ini ialah:

Muka Talam
Muka Tebal
Muka Tembok

*** Kesemua simpulan bahasa di atas bererti seseorang yang tidak
mempunyai perasaan malu.

Tua Keladi
Tua Kutuk
Tua Lengkuas

*** Simpulan bahasa ini bermaksud seseorang yang sudah lanjut
usianya tetapi berperangai tidak senonoh atau mempunyai perangai
yang jahat.

@@@ Sifat-Sifat.

Kata Nama Am

Di antara simpulan bahasa yang terbentuk dengan penggunaan kata
nama am ialah:

Anak Buah dan Anak Bulan ( Anak sebagai kata nama am)
Buah Tangan ( Buah sebagai kata nama am)
Buaya Darat ( Buaya sebagai kata nama am)
Hati Batu ( Hati sebagai kata nama am)
Ibu Keladi ( Ibu sebagai kata nama am)
Kuda Belang ( Kuda sebagai kata nama am)
Lada Api ( Lada sebagai kata nama am)
Nasi Kunyit ( Nasi sebagai kata nama am)

Kata Kerja ( Perbuatan)

Di antara simpulan bahasa yang tergolong dalam kumpulan ini ialah:

Ajak-Ajak Ayam ( Ajak sebagai kata kerja)
Berpegang Tangan ( Berpegang sebagai kata kerja)
Membuat Bodoh ( Membuat sebagai kata kerja)
Mengorak Langkah ( Mengorak sebagai kata kerja)
Pasang Telinga dan Pasang Badan ( Pasang sebagai kata kerja)

Kata Adjektif

Di antara simpulan bahasa yang menggunakan kata adjektif pula

Berat Badan ( Berat sebagai kata adjektif)
Besar Hati dan Besar Kepala ( Besar sebagai kata adjektif)
Bodoh Sepat ( Bodoh sebagai kata adjektif)
Kecil Hati ( Kecil sebagai kata adjektif)
Tua-Tua Keladi ( Tua sebagai kata adjektif)

Kata Nama Khas

Terdapat juga simpulan bahasa yang menggunakan nama seseorang,
benda atau sesuatu kejadian yang diketahui umum sebagai sari
katanya. Antaranya ialah:

Abu Jahal
Ali Baba
Mat Jenin
Pak Belalang
Pak Kaduk

Nilai Kepercayaan

Terdapat juga simpulan bahasa yang dicipta berasaskan kepercayaan
yang terdapat di dalam masyarakat. Di antaranya ialah:

Air Pinang
Air Tawar
Batu Buyung
Buruk Siku
Makan Bulan

#### Peliharalah Bahasa Ibunda Negara Kita (Bahasa Melayu),
agar IdentitiNya tidak Luput dimakan keModenan zaman. ####
Norshahuddin Edited July 2014...^^..

Friday, 4 July 2014

I..Nam (Courts) - Ruk Kon Mee Jao Kong (People Love The Owner)...^^..(Falling In Love With An Unavailable Person)

I..Nam (Courts) - Ruk Kon Mee Jao Kong (People Love The Owner)...^^..
Rak Khon Mee Jao Khong (Falling In Love With An Unavailable Person)
Luv dis Song, its about person with Cold heart ...^^..
@@@ I luv +++ Love ... dis cute baby, Four ( Four Mod " Thai Group")
so so much... since my final year @ University...^^..
See her smile n move, keep me haPPy suddenly n also bout my self. 
iF, whateVer ...

*** Luv Thai people actually, bcoz my encester hometown plus +++
bloodline come from Pattanni...
but i'm not Good at thai language. I'm interest in its culture
and people ...^^.. Ruk Ter Na...


*** Cute Voice ^^ lovely Four sing the song herself for this Live
Song ***
&&& Song Lyrics n Eng Subtitle &&&
### Mai Saab Man Pen Rai
I don't know what's the matter,

Mai Roo Wa Ma Gnai Akarn Rak Thur
Don't know how it happened, about the signs of loving you.

Kor Roo Mee Khon Jong
I also know you have someone,

Yang Baa Pai Yuen Mong Tok Yen Kor Per
But I still foolishly keep staring at you and daydreaming in
the evening.

### Yim Hai Mue Jer Kan
I smile at you when we meet,

Pueh Fluke Pai Wan Wan Mai Kla Khor Bur
Just in case I will be in luck someday, but don't dare enough
to ask for your phone number ?

Kor Roo Thur Mee Fan
I know you have a boyfriend,

Mai Dai Ja Pai Taen Tee Khon Khong Thur
So I don't hope to replace your man.

### Ai Khon Ma Tee Lang Kor Tong Sao Tor Pai
The latecomer like me must be sad further,

Tae Od Jai Mai Wai Mueh Dai Klai Kab Thur
But I can't control my heart when I'm close to you.

Ja Jook Tai Yoo Laew Na Tha Rak Nee Mai Dai Bok Thur
I may feel so uptight to death, if I can't tell you about this love.

### Long Rak Khon Mee Jao Khong Ab Mong Yoo Took Wan
I fall in love with an unavailable girl, and just secretly keep
watching her every day.

Pai Long Chob Fan Chao Baan Tang Tee Roo Tua
Falling for someone's girlfriend even though I know myself.

Thur Narak Took Jai Nak Mai Keuy Pen Yang Nee
You're so cute, and pleased me so much that I have never been
like this before.

### Long Rak Khon Mee Jao Khong Ab Mong Yoo Chao Yen
I fall in love with an unavailable girl, and secretly keep watching
her daily.

Kor Roo Wa Kong Tam Dai Kae Tao Nee
I know that's all I can do,

Kae Pob Thur Kid Thung Laew Non Fan Dee
Just seeing you, thinking of you, and sleeping with sweet dream.

### Mai Dai Ja Kere Mai Kid Pai Mome Yaeng Fan Khong Krai
I will not make trouble, will not take for granted to steal anyone's

Kor Kae Pen Akarn Khong Phoo Tee Nan Nan Ja Ab Rak Krai
It's just the sign of a person who hardly fall in love with someone.

### Ai Khon Ma Tee Lang Kor Tong Sao Tor Pai
The latecomer like me must be sad further,

Tae Od Jai Mai Wai Mueh Dai Klai Kab Thur
But I can't control my heart when I'm close to you.

Ja Jook Tai Yoo Laew Na Tha Rak Nee Mai Dai Bok Thur
I may feel so uptight to death, if I can't tell you about this love.

### Long Rak Khon Mee Jao Khong Ab Mong Yoo Took Wan
I fall in love with an unavailable girl, and just secretly keep
watching her every day.

Pai Long Chob Fan Chao Baan Tang Tee Roo Tua
Falling for someone's girlfriend even though I know myself.

Thur Narak Took Jai Nak Mai Keuy Pen Yang Nee
You're so cute, and pleased me so much that I have never been
like this before.

### Long Rak Khon Mee Jao Khong Ab Mong Yoo Chao Yen
I fall in love with an unavailable girl, and secretly keep watching
her daily.

Kor Roo Wa Kong Tam Dai Kae Tao Nee
I know that's all I can do,

Kae Pob Thur Kid Thung Laew Non Fan Dee
Just seeing you, thinking of you, and sleeping with sweet dream.

Kae Pob Thur Kid Thung Laew Non Fan Dee
Just seeing you, thinking of you, and sleeping with sweet dream.

*** Just enJoy my Life as aLways, someTime come Little hardness,
then came neW haPPiness, just Lets pray to Our " Kindness" God ...^^..
Norshahuddin Edited July 2014...^^..

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai X...^^.. by mangaka; Watsuki Nobuhiro (1994)

Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai X...^^..
by mangaka; Watsuki Nobuhiro (1994)

140 years ago in Kyoto, with the coming of the American "Black Ships,"
there arose a warrior who, felling men with his bloodstained blade,
gained the name Hitokiri, man slayer ! His killer blade helped close
the turbulent Bakumatsu era and slashed open the progressive age
known as Meiji . Then he vanished, and with the flow of years,
became legend.

During the violent era known as the Bakumatsu, there was an Ishin
assassin known only as the Hitokiri Battousai, whose skill and brutality
became near legendary in the age of Restoration he helped to build.
However, as the time of fighting drew to a close, he vanished without
a trace, only to resurface eleven years later as a wandering
swordsman, Himura Kenshin.

Now staying at a kenjutsu dojo maintained by a fiery-tempered
woman named Kamiya Kaoru, and surrounded by newfound friends
like the streetfighter Sagara Sanosuke, ex-samurai's son Myoujin
Yahiko, and the shrewd doctor Takani Megumi, he seeks to carry
out his vow to protect the weak without killing in order to atone
for the lives he's taken. It's not long, though, before this vow is
put to the test, and the shadows of his past return to haunt him
and everyone he holds dear.
Norshahuddin Edited July...^^..

Loses Of A Ninja...^^..

Loses Of A Ninja...^^..

You know what ? If a ninja loses in a battle. Their body severely
injured and wounded. Sometimes death awaits them. What would
he be then ?

Been left out to another country or die punished by their master.
Even the Great Malaya Warrior, Laksamana Hang Tuah himself
vanish from his land Malacca. Know that his life is too old, on aged
80 years old. He withdraw himself from the position of Laksamana
Malacca. Vanished from no where to be found...

Me's considered, ninja should disappear from his town, as a dignity
or find new way of life as normal people on another country.
Also to erased the loses tragic memory in their life. And also
to create new kinda cute story afterward...

For example Kenshin Himura, as samurai, murdered a lot of innocent
people but realized for his mistakes, turn to be a funny and kinda
cute person. But he never comeback to his hometown forever, as
the pain always remains in his heart...

I throw my triump Card, not having anymore Card, to say gladLy,
I withDraw from this gameszzz, will SingaPore be my next ? ...^^..

Pray that " Will You Lead all my Family to real place called Heavan,
Ooo ! My Great n Kindness God. All beautiful miracles comes from
You, the Greatest My only God."
Norshahuddin Edited July 2014...^^..