Tuesday, 25 February 2014

My " Sweet Project", 1st Single ...^^..

My " Sweet Project", 1st Single ...^^..

***** Create A Group of Sweet People *****

Peringkat Pertama/ 1st Stage %%%

ScopE AjaraN/Penekanan ...^^..
1@ Terjemahan Surah-surah Al Quran (50 Ayat)
2@ Riwayat Para Nabi dan Rasul
3@ Nama-nama Allah s.w.t.
4@ Hadith Muslim, Bukhari, Malik dan Daud

Tugasan dan Objektif ^^^
1@ MengHafal dan meMahami Terjemahan Surah-surah Al Quran
2@ Mengenal Para Nabi dan Rasul dan riwayat hidup mereka
3@ Mengenal Nama-nama Allah s.w.t. secara khusus dan mengAmalkan
dalam kehidupan seharian, Insya Allah. Berkesan, jika diIzinkan Allah
4@ Memerhati keSahihan Hadith Muslim dan Bukhari serta cuba
mengAmalkan dalam kehidupan.
5@ MengHafal/Baca kesemua Risalah yang diberikan sebanyak (10 kali)
walaupun amat Kejam, tapi ia pasti berBaloi. Cuma 20 helai mukasurat
ke bawah( kurang 20 mukasurat).
6@ Tidak perlu terburu-buru, Yang penting menerapkan KeFahaman
dan ilmu dapat diSalurkan secara betul.

*** Dan kepada tuhan( Allah) jugalah kita bergantung semata-mata,
bukan kepada kepercayaan dan amalan nenek moyang, mengharap
pada orang-orang Alim dan Keramat, dan menyembah/menyeru Jin
kafir/memakai tangkal/sembahan yang lain untuk mengubah keputusan
dan takdir. Cuma dengan secebis Doa yang Suci Ikhlas serta linangan
Air mata yang berHarap kepada keRedhaan dari Allah.

Semuanya telah Allah TulisKan dan Allah juaLah memBeri izinNya dan
Menolak permintaan mereka berdasarkan pandangan tiap-tiap
MakhlukNya. Dan keputusan Allah pasti yang terBaik buat Setiap
Makhluk ciptaanNya. ***

#### Kalau boleh dan tidak membebankan, Khatamkan 10 kali risalah
ini, dan Ilmu ini sedikitpun tidak akan meMudaratkanMu...####

Norshahuddin Edited Feb 2014...^^..

Monday, 24 February 2014

OLD SULTAN_Grimms' Fairy Tales by The Brothers Grimm...^^..

OLD SULTAN_Grimms' Fairy Tales by The Brothers Grimm...^^..

A shepherd had a faithful dog, called Sultan, who was grown very
old, and had lost all his teeth. And one day when the shepherd
and his wife were standing together before the house the
shepherd said, " I will shoot old Sultan tomorrow morning, for
he is of no use now." But his wife said, " Pray let the poor
faithful creature live; he has served us well a great many years,
and we ought to give him a livelihood for the rest of his days."
" But what can we do with him ?" said the shepherd, " He has
not a tooth in his head, and the thieves don’t care for him at
all; to be sure he has served us, but then he did it to earn his
livelihood; tomorrow shall be his last day, depend upon it."

Poor Sultan, who was lying close by them, heard all that the
shepherd and his wife said to one another, and was very much
frightened to think tomorrow would be his last day; so in the
evening he went to his good friend the wolf, who lived in the
wood, and told him all his sorrows, and how his master meant to
kill him in the morning. " Make yourself easy," said the wolf,
" I will give you some good advice. Your master, you know, goes
out every morning very early with his wife into the field; and
they take their little child with them, and lay it down behind the
hedge in the shade while they are at work.

Now do you lie down close by the child, and pretend to be watching
it, and I will come out of the wood and run away with it; you
must run after me as fast as you can, and I will let it drop; then
you may carry it back, and they will think you have saved their
child, and will be so thankful to you that they will take care of
you as long as you live." The dog liked this plan very well; and
accordingly so it was managed. The wolf ran with the child a
little way; the shepherd and his wife screamed out; but Sultan
soon overtook him, and carried the poor little thing back to his
master and mistress.

Then the shepherd patted him on the head, and said, " Old Sultan
has saved our child from the wolf, and therefore he shall live
and be well taken care of, and have plenty to eat. Wife, go home,
and give him a good dinner, and let him have my old cushion to sleep
on as long as he lives." So from this time forward Sultan had all
that he could wish for. Soon afterwards the wolf came and
wished him joy, and said, " Now, my good fellow, you must tell
no tales, but turn your head the other way when I want to taste
one of the old shepherd’s fine fat sheep." " No," said the Sultan;
" I will be true to my master."

However, the wolf thought he was in joke, and came one night to
get a dainty morsel. But Sultan had told his master what the
wolf meant to do; so he laid wait for him behind the barn door,
and when the wolf was busy looking out for a good fat sheep, he
had a stout cudgel laid about his back, that combed his locks for
him finely. Then the wolf was very angry, and called Sultan " An
old rogue," and swore he would have his revenge. So the next
morning the wolf sent the boar to challenge Sultan to come into
the wood to fight the matter. Now Sultan had nobody he could
ask to be his second but the shepherd’s old three legged cat;
so he took her with him, and as the poor thing limped along with
some trouble, she stuck up her tail straight in the air.

The wolf and the wild boar( pig) were first on the ground; and when
they espied their enemies coming, and saw the cat’s long tail
standing straight in the air, they thought she was carrying a sword
for Sultan to fight with; and every time she limped, they thought she
was picking up a stone to throw at them; so they said they should
not like this way of fighting, and the boar lay down behind a bush,
and the wolf jumped up into a tree. Sultan and the cat soon came
up, and looked about and wondered that no one was there.

The boar, however, had not quite hidden himself, for his ears stuck
out of the bush; and when he shook one of them a little, the cat,
seeing something move, and thinking it was a mouse, sprang upon
it, and bit and scratched it, so that the boar jumped up and
grunted, and ran away, roaring out, " Look up in the tree, there
sits the one who is to blame." So they looked up, and espied the
wolf sitting amongst the branches; and they called him a cowardly
rascal, and would not suffer him to come down till he was heartily
ashamed of himself, and had promised to be good friends again
with old Sultan.

Norshahuddin Edited Feb 2014...^^..

Friday, 21 February 2014

Zom (Wink) feat Atom (Mic Idols)_Ruk Tur Na(Love You!) Eng Sub...^^..

Zom (Wink) feat Atom (Mic Idols)_Ruk Tur Na(Love You!) Eng Sub...^^..

Title Song : รักเธอนะ / Ruk Tur Na (Love You!)
Artist        : Zom & Atom
Album      : [Single]
Year         : 2012

นึกถึงตอนนั้นเธอหันมา ใจของฉันมันสั่น
Neuk teung dtaun nun tur hun mah jai kaung chun mun sun
Thinking of when you turned my way, my heart is pounding

Tum dai kae piang lob dtah
I can only look away

ยิ่งตอนที่เธอยิ้มมา ทำเอาฉันนอนไม่หลับ
Ying dtaun tee tur yim mah tum ao chun naun mai lup
The more you smile at me makes me unable to sleep

Tur roo mun bahng reu plao
Do you realize this?

(*) นั่งจ้องแต่เบอร์ของเธอ แล้วก็มองเหม่อวางสายไป
Nung jaung dtae bur kaung tur laeo gor maung mur wahng sai pai
Just sitting and staring at your number, then absently closing my phone

กอดหมอนและก็ฝันไปไกล ว่าในหัวใจเธอก็มีฉัน
Gaud maun lae gor fun pai glai wah nai hua jai tur gor mee chun
Hugging my pillow and dreaming that in your heart, you have me

(**) เธอทำให้ฉันหวั่นไหว ถึงแม้ว่าฉันจะหลับตา
Tur tum hai chun wun wai teung mae wah chun ja lup dtah
You make me nervous, even when I’m sleeping

Gep pai fun teung tur took welah
I keep dreaming about you all the time

Hua jai mun kit kit kit wah kong ja chai tur
My heart keeps thinking thinking thinking that you’re the one

มองตาฉันบ้างได้ไหม มีใครคนนึงอยู่ในนั้น
Maung dtah chun bahng dai mai mee krai kon neung yoo nai nun
Please look into my eyes, there’s only one person in there

Kon tee chun ruk kao jon mot hua jai
The one person I love with all of my heart

Mai dai kae ngao kae hua jai mun koy grasip bauk
I’m not just lonely, it’s just that my heart keeps whispering to me

Roo mai ruk tur na
Do you know? I love you!

ไม่ใช่อ่อนไหวหรือเผลอใจ แต่ก็ไม่เข้าใจ
Mai chai aun wai reu plur jai dtae gor mai kao jai
I’m not weak or careless, but I don’t understand

Aht pen pror jai riak raung
It might be because my heart’s shouting out

ถ้าไม่มีใครขอจอง มาเกี่ยวข้องกันได้รึเปล่า
Tah mai mee krai kor jaung mah giao kaung gun dai reu plao
If no one has claimed you yet, could you get involved with me

Hai chun dai yim nai jai
Let me be able to smile in my heart


### Luv Zom Wink actually, she is cute and simple...^^..###
Norshahuddin Edited Feb 2014...^^..

Friday, 14 February 2014

THE TRAVELLING MUSICIANS_Grimms' Fairy Tales by The Brothers Grimm...^^..

Brothers Grimm...^^..

An honest farmer had once an ass(Donkey) that had been a
faithful servant to him a great many years, but was now growing
old and every day more and more unfit for work. His master
therefore was tired of keeping him and began to think of
putting an end to him; but the ass, who saw that some mischief
was in the wind, took himself slyly off, and began his journey
towards the great city, ‘ For there,’ thought he, ‘ I may turn

After he had travelled a little way, he spied a dog lying by the
roadside and panting as if he were tired. ‘ What makes you pant
so, my friend ?’ said the ass. ‘ Alas !’ said the dog, ‘ my master
was going to knock me on the head, because I am old and weak,
and can no longer make myself useful to him in hunting; so I ran
away; but what can I do to earn my livelihood ?’ ‘ Hark ye !’
said the ass, ‘ I am going to the great city to turn musician:
suppose you go with me, and try what you can do in the same
way ?’ The dog said he was willing, and they jogged on together.

They had not gone far before they saw a cat sitting in the
middle of the road and making a most rueful face. ‘ Pray,
my good lady,’ said the ass, ‘ what’s the matter with you ?
You look quite out of spirits!’ ‘ Ah, me !’ said the cat, ‘ how
can one be in good spirits when one’s life is in danger?
Because I am beginning to grow old, and had rather lie at
my ease by the fire than run about the house after the
mice, my mistress laid hold of me, and was going to drown me;
and though I have been lucky enough to get away from her,
I do not know what I am to live upon.’

‘ Oh,’ said the ass, ‘ by all means go with us to the great city;
you are a good night singer, and may make your fortune as
a musician.’ The cat was pleased with the thought, and joined
the party. Soon afterwards, as they were passing by a farmyard,
they saw a cock perched upon a gate, and screaming out with
all his might and main. ‘ Bravo !’ said the ass; ‘ upon my word,
you make a famous noise; pray what is all this about ?’

‘ Why,’ said the cock, ‘ I was just now saying that we should have
fine weather for our washing day, and yet my mistress and the
cook don’t thank me for my pains, but threaten to cut off my head
tomorrow, and make broth of me for the guests that are coming
on Sunday !’ ‘ Heaven forbid !’ said the ass, ‘ come with us Master
Chanticleer; it will be better, at any rate, than staying here to
have your head cut off ! Besides, who knows ? If we care to sing
in tune, we may get up some kind of a concert; so come along with
us.’ ‘ With all my heart,’ said the cock: so they all four went on
jollily together.

They could not, however, reach the great city the first day; so
when night came on, they went into a wood to sleep. The ass and the
dog laid themselves down under a great tree, and the cat climbed up
into the branches; while the cock, thinking that the higher he sat
the safer he should be, flew up to the very top of the tree, and
then, according to his custom, before he went to sleep, looked out
on all sides of him to see that everything was well. In doing this, he
saw a far off something bright and shining and calling to his
companions said, ‘ There must be a house no great way off, for I
see a light.’ ‘ If that be the case,’ said the ass, ‘ we had better
change our quarters, for our lodging is not the best in the world !’

‘ Besides,’ added the dog, ‘ I should not be the worse for a bone
or two, or a bit of meat.’ So they walked off together towards
the spot where Chanticleer had seen the light, and as they drew
near it became larger and brighter, till they at last came close
to a house in which a gang of robbers lived. The ass, being the
tallest of the company, marched up to the window and peeped in.
‘ Well, Donkey,’ said Chanticleer, ‘ what do you see ?’ ‘ What do
I see ?’ replied the ass. ‘ Why, I see a table spread with all
kinds of good things, and robbers sitting round it making merry.’

‘ That would be a noble lodging for us,’ said the cock. ‘ Yes,’
said the ass, ‘ if we could only get in’; so they consulted
together how they should contrive to get the robbers out; and
at last they hit upon a plan. The ass placed himself upright on
his hind legs, with his forefeet resting against the window; the
dog got upon his back; the cat scrambled up to the dog’s
shoulders, and the cock flew up and sat upon the cat’s head.
When all was ready a signal was given, and they began their
music. The ass brayed, the dog barked, the cat mewed, and
the cock screamed; and then they all broke through the window
at once, and came tumbling into the room, amongst the broken
glass, with a most hideous clatter !

The robbers, who had been not a little frightened by the
opening concert, had now no doubt that some frightful
hob goblin had broken in upon them, and scampered away as
fast as they could. The coast once clear, our travellers soon
sat down and dispatched what the robbers had left, with as
much eagerness as if they had not expected to eat again for a
month. As soon as they had satisfied themselves, they put out
the lights, and each once more sought out a resting place to his
own liking.

The donkey laid himself down upon a heap of straw in the yard,
the dog stretched himself upon a mat behind the door, the cat
rolled herself up on the hearth before the warm ashes, and
the cock perched upon a beam on the top of the house; and, as
they were all rather tired with their journey, they soon fell
asleep. But about midnight, when the robbers saw from a far
that the lights were out and that all seemed quiet, they began
to think that they had been in too great a hurry to run away;
and one of them, who was bolder than the rest, went to see what
was going on.

Finding everything still, he marched into the kitchen, and groped
about till he found a match in order to light a candle; and then,
espying the glittering fiery eyes of the cat, he mistook them for
live coals, and held the match to them to light it. But the cat,
not understanding this joke, sprang at his face, and spat, and
scratched at him. This frightened him dreadfully, and away he
ran to the back door; but there the dog jumped up and bit him in
the leg; and as he was crossing over the yard the ass kicked him;
and the cock, who had been awakened by the noise, crowed with
all his might.

At this the robber ran back as fast as he could to his comrades,
and told the captain how a horrid witch had got into the house, and
had spat at him and scratched his face with her long bony fingers;
how a man with a knife in his hand had hidden himself behind the
door, and stabbed him in the leg; how a black monster stood in
the yard and struck him with a club, and how the devil had sat upon
the top of the house and cried out, ‘ Throw the rascal up here !’
After this the robbers never dared to go back to the house; but
the musicians were so pleased with their quarters that they took
up their abode there; and there they are, I dare say, at this
very day.

Norshahuddin Edited Feb 2014...^^..

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Belajar Bahasa Jepun, ***Pengalaman Saya...^^..

Belajar Bahasa Jepun, ***Pengalaman Saya...^^..

 Apa khabar, Selamat pagi

 Konkai wa jibun no keiken wo hanashitai to omoimasu
 Kali ini saya ingin menceritakan tentang pengalaman
 pribadi saya.

 Senshuu,watashi wa tomodachi to Dien e tsu-ringu ni ikimashita.
 Minggu lalu saya pergi touring bersama teman ke dieng

 Mokutekichi ni tsuite kara, iro iro na basho ni otozuremashita.
 Setalah sampai di tempat tujuan, kami mengunjungi berbagai

 Dien ni tsuku made wa taihen deshita ga........
 Sangat melelahkan sampai tiba di dieng tetapi......

 Subarashii keshiki wo mite iru uchi ni, tsukare ga dandan torete
 Selagi melihat pemandangan yang indah, rasa lelah sedikit demi
 sedikit menghilang.

 appuro-do shita no wa dieng no yoake ni totta shashin desu.
 kirei deshou......
 Gambar yang saya upload adalah foto waktu fajar di dieng.
 Indah bukan........?

 Kaeru tochuu de kiri ga dete,michi ga mienaku natta node,taihen
 Saat perjalan pulang, karena ada kabut jalan tidak kelihatan dan
 sangat melelahkan.

 Demo, nantoka buji ni kiri wo nukeru koto ga dekimashita.
 Tetapi kami dapat melewati kabut itu dengan selamat.

 Iro iro na koto ga arimashita ga,arata na bouken ga dekite,
 Totemo tanoshikatta desu.
 Meskipun ada banyak hal yang terjadi, sangat menyenangkan
 bisa melakukan petualangan baru.

 Minasan mo dieng e itte mite wa dou desu ka
 Bagaimana kalau kalian juga mencoba pergi kedieng......

 Subarashii tokoro da to omoimasu.
 Saya pikir dieng adalah tempat yang menarik.

Kamus Jepun...^^..

 Konkai------------------kali ini
 Jibun no keiken--------pengalaman sendiri
 Taihen-------------------sangat, melelahkan, merepotkan
 Mokutekichi-----------tempat tujuan
 Kaerutochuu-----------saat perjalanan pulang
 Mienai-----------------tidak kelihatan
 Nukeru----------------melewati/ melalui
 Arata na bouken----petualangan baru
 Tanoshii---------------senang/ gembira
 Omou-----------------pikir, rasa

Norshahuddin Edited Feb 2014...^^..

New AKB 48, 34th Single Song...^^..

New AKB 48, 34th Single Song...^^..

The Title of The Song So So Long,
" Suzukake no Ki no Michi de "Kimi no Hohoemi wo Yume 

ni Miru" to Itteshimattara Bokutachi no Kankei wa Dou Kawatteshimau no ka, Bokunari ni Nannichi ka Kangaeta 
Ue de no Yaya Kihazukashii Ketsuron no You na Mono". 

But, there are so Sweet...^^..

Norshahuddin Edited Feb 2014...^^..

Belajar Bahasa Jepun...***AKB48 song_Koizuru Fortune Cookies...^^..

Belajar Bahasa Jepun...***AKB48 song_Koizuru Fortune Cookies...^^..
Koi suru fortune cookie
Fortune cookie yang mencinta ②== 

 ツキを呼ぶには 笑顔を見せること
 Tsuki o yobu niwa egao o miseru koto
 Mengembangkan senyuman kan membawa keberuntungan
 Don't you know your luck will change 

 When you've got a big smile on your face

 Heart no fortune cookies
 Fortune Cookie berbentuk hati
 In my heart’s a Fortune Cookie

 運勢 今日よりもよくしょう
 Unsei kyou yori mo yoku shiyou
 Nasib lebih baiklah dari hari ini
 Look at my fate, make it so much better than today

 Hey! Hey! Hey!
 Hey! Hey! Hey!

 Jinsei suteta mon jya nai yone
 Janganlah menyerah dalam menjalani hidup
 Never let life get you down and don't let it defeat you

 Atto odoroku kiseki ga okiru
 Akan dating keajaiban yang tak terduga
 Miracles can happen that will totally surprise you

 Anata to dokoka de aishiaeru yokan
 Ku punya firasat tuk bisa saling mencinta denganmu
 Something tells me someday there'll be love and it will
 just be you and me

 Anata ni chanto kokuritai
 Ingin ungkapkan perasaan padamu
 I would like to tell you just what you mean to me

 Dakedo jibun ni jishin nai
 Tetapi aku tak percaya diri
 But i can't forget all my anxiety

 Reaction wa souzou tsuku kara
 Karena reaksimu terbayang di benakku
 Because i've imagined every word that you will say

 Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

 性格いいコがいいなんて 男の子は言うけど
 Seikaku ii ko ga ii nante otokonoko wa iu kedo
 Meski cowok bilang gadis ideal Yang punya kepribadian baik
 And they always say good girls are what they like
 Athough the boys say those girls are their type

 Looks ga advantage
 Penampilan itu membutuhkan
 The beautiful ones have the advantage

 Itsu date kawaii ko ga
 Selalu hanya gadis cantik saja
 All of the pretty girls always get ahead  

 Ninki touhyou ichii ni naru
 Yang kan dipilih menjadi nomor satu
 They do not feel it's hard to become popular

 プリーズ プリーズ プリーズ ベイビー
 Please! Please! Please! Baby

 Watashi mo mite
 Lihatlah diriku
 Won't you please notice me?

 Koi suru fortune cookies
 Yang mencinta fortune cookies
 My love's in a Fortune Cookie

 Kamus Jepun...^^..

 Hari ini 今日 kyou (today)
 Daripada より  yori (than)
 Nasib 運勢 unsei (fate)
 Senyuman 笑顔 egao (smile)
 Berbentuk hati ハートの heart no (shaped heart)
 Lihatlah. 見て。mite. (see)
 Satu 1 ichi (one)
 Nombor 1 1位 ichiii (no.1)
 Penampilan ルックス looks (appearance)
 Gadis yang cantik 可愛いコ kawaii ko (pretty girl)
 Mencinta 恋する koi suru (love)
 Bilang 言う iu (say)
 Meski けど kedo (though)
 Cowok 男の子 otoko no ko (boys)
 Kepribadian 性格 seikaku (character)
 Percaya diri 自信がある jishin ga aru (have confidence)
 Tak percaya diri 自信がない jishin ga nai (don't have confidence)
 Reaksi リアクション (reaction)
 Keajaiban 奇跡 kiseki (miracle)

Oyasumi nasai.
Selamat tidur..

Norshahuddin Edited Feb 2014...^^..

Sunday, 9 February 2014

AKB 48_Shonichi, Hari Pertama@ Lyrics +++ Eng Subtitle...^^..

AKB 48_Shonichi, Hari Pertama@ Lyrics +++ Eng Subtitle...^^..


[Mat/Wat/Kas/Yon] watashi wa tatteru
[Mat/Wat/Kas/Yon] akogarete ita SUTEEJI
[Mat/Wat/Kas/Yon] daikansei hakushu to nekki no naka

[Hir/Kat/Ota/Sao] kibishii RESSUN
[Hir/Kat/Ota/Sao] jibun no kabe norikoete
[Hir/Kat/Ota/Sao] mukaeta kyou
[Hir/Kat/Ota/Sao] CHANSU no maku ga hiraku

[Nak/Tan/Nak/Ura] hitori dake odorezu ni
[Nak/Tan/Nak/Ura] kaerimichi naita hi mo aru

[Sae/Ino/Kik/Nog] omou you ni utaezu ni
[Sae/Ino/Kik/Nog] jishin wo ushinatta hi mo aru

[Mat/Wat/Kas/Yon/Hir/Kat/Ota/Sao] itsumo RAIBARU ga

[Nak/Tan/Nak/Ura/Sae/Ino/Kik/Nog] kagayaite mieta

yume wa ase no naka ni
sukoshizutsu saite yuku hana
sono doryoku
kesshite uragiranai

yume wa ase no naka ni
me wo dashite zutto matte iru
itsuka kitto
negai kanau made

[Sae/Ino/Kik/Nog] SUPPOTORAITO ga
[Sae/Ino/Kik/Nog] konna ni mabushii nante
[Sae/Ino/Kik/Nog] nagai yoru ga aketa asahi no you ne

[Nak/Tan/Nak/Ura] senpaitachi ni wa
[Nak/Tan/Nak/Ura] maketakunai yo zettai ni
[Nak/Tan/Nak/Ura] watashitachi no SHOO wo tsukuritakatta

[Mat/Wat/Kas/Yon] kega wo shite yasunda toki
[Mat/Wat/Kas/Yon] kuyashikute naita hi mo aru

[Hir/Kat/Ota/Sao] gakkou to RESSUN no
[Hir/Kat/Ota/Sao] ryouritsu ni akirameta hi mo aru

[Nak/Tan/Nak/Ura/Sae/Ino/Kik/Nog] dakedo ANKOORU ga

[Mat/Wat/Kas/Yon/Hir/Kat/Ota/Sao] dokoka de kikoeta

yume wa namida no saki
nakiyanda hohoemi no hana
ganbatta tsubomi ga yagate saku

yume wa namida no saki
amekaze ni makezu shinjiteru
hareta sora ni inori todoku made

shinu ki de
odorou !

shinu ki de
utaou !

shoshin wo
zenryoku toukyuu de !

Oh !
yume wa ase no naka ni
sukoshizutsu saite yuku hana
sono doryoku
kesshite uragiranai

yume wa ase no naka ni
me wo dashite zutto matte iru
itsuka kitto
negai kanau made

@List Of Singer For ThiS SonG ####

AKB 48, Team B***

Hirajima Natsumi
Inoue Naru
Kashiwagi Yuki *****
Kikuchi Ayaka
Katayama Haruka
Matsuoka Yuki
Nakagawa Haruka
Nakaya Sayaka
Noguchi Reina
Oota Aika
Saotome Miki
Tanabe Miku
Urano Kazumi
Watanabe Mayu *****
Yonezawa Rumi

Eng Translation...^^..

I'm standing
On the stage I longed for
Amidst the loud cheers, applause, and enthusiasm

With strict lessons,
I go beyond my own limits
Today, I was accepted as a member
The seeds of chance open

While I'm not dancing all by myself,
There were days where I'd cry along the road home

While I'm singing without thinking,
There were days where I lost my confidence

Always, my rivals

Looked like they were sparkling

The dream is amidst the sweat
It's a flower that blooms bit by bit
That effort
By no means will let me down

The dream is amidst the sweat
I'm always waiting for it to spout out
Until one day, for sure,
The wish comes true

The spotlight,
Like all of this, is so dazzling
Just like the long nights turning to dawn with the morning sun

I absolutely don't want to
Lose to my seniors
We wanted to make our own show

When I was on leave due to injury,
There were painful days when I cried

There were also days
When I lost my balance of school and lessons

However, the encore

I could hear no matter where

The dream is just ahead of the tears
A flower from the smile after the tears stop
The bud that did its best will bloom before long

The dream is just ahead of the tears
Without losing to the driving rain, I'm believing
Until my prayer reaches the sky that cleared up

Let's dance
Until we drop dead !

Let's sing
Until we drop dead !

Without forgetting
Our original goal,
We'll give everything we've got !

Oh !
The dream is amidst the sweat
It's a flower that blooms bit by bit
That effort
By no means will let me down

The dream is amidst the sweat
I'm always waiting for it to spout out
Until one day, for sure,
The wish comes true

Malay/Bahasa Version...^^..

Aku berdiri
Diatas panggung yang selalu kudambakan
Di tengah eluan, tepuk tangan dan juga senyuman

Dengan latihan yang ketat
Kulampaui dinding diriku
Sambut hari ini tirai
Kesempatan pun terbuka

Akupun tidak berdiri sendiri
Padahal ku menangis di jalan pulang

Aku bernyanyi tanpa berpikir
Ada hari ku hilang percaya diri

Selalu sainganku

Terlihat seolah bersinar

Impian ada ditengah peluh,
Bagai bunga yang mekar secara perlahan
Usaha keras itu
Tak akan mengkhianati

Impian ada ditengah peluh,
Selalu menunggu agar ia menguncup
Satu hari pasti
Sampai harapan terkabul

Lampu sorot
Yang ternyata begitu terang seperti ini
Bagai malam panjang mencari fajar mentari pagi

Sudah pasti aku tidak mau
Kalah dari kakak kelasku
Kami ingin buat show diri kami sendiri

Ada hariku menangis sedih
Saat ku dirawat karena cedera

Ada hariku sudah menyerah
Imbangi sekolah beserta latihan

Namun ku mendengar encore

Dari suatu tempat

Impian setelah air mata,
Bunga senyuman setelah tangis berhenti
Tunjukkan dulu usaha keras pun akan mekar

Impian setelah air mata,
Kupercaya takkan kalah dari angin hujan
Sampai doaku mencapai langit cerah

Penuh semangat
Mari menari !

Penuh semangat
Mari menyanyi !

Jangan lupakan
Tujuan awal,
Kerahkan seluruh tenaga !

Oh !
Impian ada, di tengah peluh,
Bagai bunga yang mekar, secara perlahan
Usaha keras itu,
Tak akan mengkhianati

Impian ada di tengah peluh,
Selalu menunggu agar ia menguncup
Satu hari pasti
Sampai harapan terkabul

Norshahuddin Edited Feb 2014...^^..

JORINDA AND JORINDEL_Grimms’ Fairy Tales by The Brothers  Grimm...^^..

JORINDA AND JORINDEL_Grimms’ Fairy Tales by The
Brothers  Grimm...^^..

There was once an old castle, that stood in the middle of a deep
gloomy wood, and in the castle lived an old fairy. Now this fairy
could take any shape she pleased. All the day long she flew about
in the form of an owl, or crept about the country like a cat; but
at night she always became an old woman again. When any young
man came within a hundred paces of her castle, he became quite
fixed, and could not move a step till she came and set him free;
which she would not do till he had given her his word never to
come there again, but when any pretty maiden came within that
space she was changed into a bird, and the fairy put her into
a cage, and hung her up in a chamber in the castle.

There were seven hundred of these cages hanging in the castle,
and all with beautiful birds in them. Now there was once a maiden
whose name was Jorinda. She was prettier than all the pretty
girls that ever were seen before, and a shepherd lad, whose name
was Jorindel, was very fond of her, and they were soon to be
married. One day they went to walk in the wood, that they might
be alone; and Jorindel said, " We must take care that we don’t
go too near to the fairy’s castle." It was a beautiful evening,
the last rays of the setting sun shone bright through the long
stems of the trees upon the green underwood beneath, and the
turtle doves sang from the tall birches.

Jorinda sat down to gaze upon the sun, Jorindel sat by her
side, and both felt sad, they knew not why,  but it seemed as
if they were to be parted from one another for ever. They
had wandered a long way, and when they looked to see which
way they should go home, they found themselves at a loss to
know what path to take. The sun was setting fast, and
already half of its circle had sunk behind the hill. Jorindel
on a sudden looked behind him, and saw through the bushes
that they had, without knowing it, sat down close under the
old walls of the castle.

Then he shrank for fear, turned pale, and trembled. Jorinda was
just singing,

" The ring dove sang from the willow spray,
Well-a-day ! Well-a-day !
He mourn’d for the fate of his darling mate,
Well-a-day ! "

when her song stopped suddenly. Jorindel turned to see the reason,
and beheld his Jorinda changed into a nightingale, so that her song
ended with a mournful jug, jug.

An owl with fiery eyes flew three times round them, and three
times screamed:

" Tu whu ! Tu whu ! Tu whu ! "

Jorindel could not move; he stood fixed as a stone, and could
neither weep, nor speak, nor stir hand or foot. And now the sun
went quite down; the gloomy night came; the owl flew into a bush;
and a moment after the old fairy came forth pale and meagre,
with staring eyes, and a nose and chin that almost met one
another. She mumbled something to herself, seized the nightingale,
and went away with it in her hand. Poor Jorindel saw the
nightingale was gone but what could he do ? He could not speak,
he could not move from the spot where he stood.

At last the fairy came back and sang with a hoarse voice:

‘ Till the prisoner is fast,
And her doom is cast,
There stay ! Oh, stay !
When the charm is around her,
And the spell has bound her,
Hie away ! away ! ’

On a sudden Jorindel found himself free. Then he fell on his knees
before the fairy, and prayed her to give him back his dear Jorinda:
but she laughed at him, and said he should never see her again; then
she went her way. He prayed, he wept, he sorrowed, but all in vain.
‘ Alas !’ he said, ‘ what will become of me ?’ He could not go back
to his own home, so he went to a strange village, and employed
himself in keeping sheep. Many a time did he walk round and round
as near to the hated castle as he dared go, but all in vain; he
heard or saw nothing of Jorinda.

At last he dreamt one night that he found a beautiful purple
flower, and that in the middle of it lay a costly pearl; and he
dream that he plucked the flower, and went with it in his hand into
the castle, and that everything he touched with it was
disenchanted, and that there he found his Jorinda again.

In the morning when he awoke, he began to search over
hill and dale for this pretty flower; and eight long days he
sought for it in vain: but on the ninth day, early in the morning,
he found the beautiful purple flower; and in the middle
of it was a large dewdrop, as big as a costly pearl. Then he
plucked the flower, and set out and travelled day and night,
till he came again to the castle. He walked nearer than a hundred
paces to it, and yet he did not become fixed as before, but
found that he could go quite close up to the door. Jorindel was
very glad indeed to see this.

Then he touched the door with the flower, and it sprang open;
so that he went in through the court, and listened when he heard
so many birds singing. At last he came to the chamber where the
fairy sat, with the seven hundred birds singing in the seven
hundred cages. When she saw Jorindel she was very angry, and
screamed with rage; but she could not come within two yards of him,
for the flower he held in his hand was his safeguard. He looked
around at the birds, but alas ! there were many, many nightingales,
and how then should he find out which was his Jorinda ?

While he was thinking what to do, he saw the fairy had taken down
one of the cages, and was making the best of her way off through
the door. He ran or flew after her, touched the cage with the
flower, and Jorinda stood before him, and threw her arms round
his neck looking as beautiful as ever, as beautiful as when they
walked together in the wood. Then he touched all the other birds
with the flower, so that they all took their old forms again;
and he took Jorinda home, where they were married, and lived
happily together many years: and so did a good many other lads,
whose maidens had been forced to sing in the old fairy’s cages by
themselves, much longer than they liked.

Norshahuddin Edited Feb 2014...^^..

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Mayuyu Stage Units Battle in AKB48...^^..

Mayuyu Stage Units Battle in AKB48...^^..

Seishun Girl...^^..        

Team B 1st Stage " Seishun Girls"
 1." Ame no Dobutsuen"
 2." Fusidara na Natsu"

 Team B 2nd Stage " Aitakatta"
 1." Nageki no Figure"
 2." Nagisa no Cherry"
 3." Senaka Kara Dakishimete"
 4." Rio no Kakumei"
 5." Skirt, Hirari"

 Team B 3rd Stage " Pajama Drive"
 1." Pajama Drive"

 Team B 4th Stage " Idol no Yoake"
 1." Zannen Shojo"

 Team B 5th Stage " Theater no Megami"
 1." Hatsukoi yo Konnichiwa"

 Team A Waiting Stage " Waiting Stage"
 1." Skirt, Hirari"
 2." Glass no I LOVE YOU"

#### She placed in the main line-up of AKB 48's general
elections which allow her to lead/play the song of main music
perform by the AKB 48 new single...^^.. ####

Norshahuddin Edited Feb 2014...^^..

Team AKB 48 Member List...^^..

Team AKB 48 Member List...^^..

Team A***

Itano Tomomi *****
Kawasaki Nozomi
Kojima Haruna
Komatani Hitomi
Maeda Atsuko
Masuyama Kayano
Minegishi Minami *****
Nakanishi Rina
Narita Risa
Ohe Tomomi
Oshima Mai *****
Sato Yukari
Shinoda Mariko
Takahashi Minami *****
Tojima Hana

Team K***

Akimoto Sayaka
Hayano Kaoru
Kasai Tomomi *****
Kobayashi Kana
Masuda Yuka
Matsubara Natsumi
Miyazawa Sae *****
Noro Kayo
Ohori Megumi
Oku Manami
Ono Erena *****
Oshima Yuko *****
Sato Natsuki
Umeda Ayaka

Team B***

Hirajima Natsumi
Inoue Naru
Kashiwagi Yuki *****
Kikuchi Ayaka
Katayama Haruka
Matsuoka Yuki
Nakagawa Haruka
Nakaya Sayaka
Noguchi Reina
Oota Aika
Saotome Miki
Tanabe Miku
Urano Kazumi
Watanabe Mayu *****
Yonezawa Rumi

#### These are formal member of AKB 48 Group, but after that, new
sub and family were formed such JKT48, NMB48, SKE48, HKT48.
Their main mission is to be the Best Idols that match the showbiz in each
type of aspect such Singing, Dancing, Acting, Modelling, conduct or Host
big event and much more due to their speciality and trained skill. ####

Norshahuddin Edited Feb 2014...^^..

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Jenis Cinta ikut Sign Jalan...^^..

Jenis Cinta ikut Sign Jalan...^^..

DILARANG U-TURN @  Sekiranya sudah putus sebaliknya jangan
berpatah balik. Buat sakit hati sahaja. Yakinlah kamu akan dapat
bertemu dengan pengganti yang lebih baik darinya...

JALAN DUA HALA @ Komunikasi dalam bercinta harus ada dua
arah. Jangan hanya dimonopoli oleh satu pihak bersuara maka
satu pihak lagi cubalah untuk jadi pendengar yang setia. Begitulah
berlaku sebaliknya...

SEDANG DALAM PEMBINAAN @ Hubungan kamu dan dia baru
sahaja hendak dibaik pulih, dengan proses persefahaman semula.
Laluilah jalan ini terus tetapi secara perlahan-lahan. Jangan
terlalu memaksa dan terdesak. Jangan ungkit lagi masalah lama
dan mulakan pengalaman baru...

PEJALAN KAKI @ Biarkan si dia berlalu dan jangan terlalu
mengharap padanya. Mungkin dia belum lagi ada rasa untuk
bercinta. Banyak lagi jalan lain yang boleh ikuti...

JALAN BENGKANG BENGKOK @ Perjalanan hubungan kamu dan
dia masih jauh lagi dan penuh berliku. Jangan mudah tidak tepati

JALAN SEMPIT @ Ini harus berhati-hati, kamu dan dia semakin
melalui jalan sempit. Andainya tidak bertolak ansur pasti akan
menghadapi bencana. Oleh itu sekiranya kamu sedar akan
masalah ini cubalah bersikap mengalah dan tidak hanya
mementingkan ego sendiri...

AWAS! JALAN BERBUKIT @ Hati-hati ! Hubungan kamu sedang
berhadapan dengan masalah. Jangan terlalu cepat membuat
keputusan yang merugikan kamu. Fikirkan sebaik-baiknya, cuba
harungi dahulu barulah kamu fikir jalan lain...

JARAKKAN KENDERAAN @ Biarpun kamu berdua sudah
‘declare’ sebagai kekasih namun kamu patut beri ruang pada si
dia untuk hal-hal peribadi. Janganlah terlalu mengongkong dan
setiap masa untuk bersama. Namun jangan pula terlalu jarak
sehinggakan memberi ruang padanya berkenalan dengan orang
lain. Itu lebih bahaya !

#### Dan, Patuhilah keselamatan jalan raya...Ingatlah orang
yang tersayang...^^.. ####

Norshahuddin Edited Jan 2014...^^..