Quit Worrying, Live And Move Forward...^^..
" Self cannot be controlled from without; it can only be
controlled from within. Self-control is really Spirit control.
The way to self-control is surrender to the Spirit’s control."
" Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good
things and good people will be drawn to you." Mary Lou Retton
“ Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into
friend.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
“ Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll
start having positive results.” ~ Willie Nelson
" One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening
to what another has to say." ~ Bryant McGill
" Quit worrying about how everything is going to turn out. Live
one day at a time; better yet, make the most of this moment."
Joel Osteen
" Some of the most amazing people in the world were not perfect;
they were scarred by suffering, hardships, losses and
imperfections. But, when they recovered, they were stronger,
wiser, and more loving and compassionate. Your life is going to
get better in the proper time, and you will be stronger and more
at peace than ever before.
The truth is that life can be very difficult at times. There can
be a lot of pressure to keep it all together, to be smart and
beautiful, to be so good and perfect. But sometimes we don't have
it together at all. Sometimes we make mistakes. Sometimes we don't
feel good or look our best. Sometimes things are not good at all
and we feel miserable, lonely or depressed. If you have lost your
way and feel down, that feeling belongs to you. If you feel
miserable, it's yours, and no one should take it away from you.
Maybe things really aren't very good at all right now. Maybe you
have good reasons to be depressed, and the last thing you need is
someone telling you to be happy.
But one thing you do need, is at least the respect from others to
let you sit with your valid feelings. You don't always need a
cheerleader, but just someone to be a friend and acknowledge
where you really are, and how you really feel. Real problems
can't be fixed with a motivational poster, a cute quote or a pat
on the back. While you are in your pain, it does not matter how
intrinsically special you are, or how beautiful life is, or how
precious each moment is, if you don't accept and respect your
suffering, it isn't going anywhere.
Submit to your pain; don't suppress your pain. If you can sit
with your pain, listen to your pain and respect your pain, in
time you will move through your pain.
Pain is like a healing emotional fever. Allow your pain to
cleanse you and burn away what needs to die. A new and better you
will grow from the ashes. The most important parts of your life
will be marked by pain. Some of the most amazing people in the
world were not perfect; they were scarred by suffering, hardships,
losses and imperfections. But, when they recovered, they were
stronger, wiser, and more loving and compassionate.
Your life is going to get better in the proper time, and you will
be stronger and more at peace than ever before. Out of our
suffering we emerge. Our struggles are really our only hope. Stay
strong. " Bryant McGill
Norshahuddin Edited Oct 2014...^^..
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