Friday, 30 May 2014

Cherry Belle_Pura Pura Cinta Lirik N Chord...^^..

Cherry Belle_Pura Pura Cinta Lirik N Chord...^^..

 Lagu Baru Best dari IndoneSia...

Kurasakan ada yang berbeda
Saat dia tak disini
Duuh, aku bingung jadinya

Setiap kali ku pejamkan mata
Ku selalu ada dia
Ku makin bingung jadinya

Tak ku sangka jadi begini akhirnya
Semoga dia tak sadar
Malu malu hatiku

Awalnya ku pura pura
Lama lama ku jadi suka
Oh tuhan, inikah yang namanya cinta

Tadinya biasa saja
Sekarang ku benar benar cinta
Kuharap ini sebentar saja

Kurasakan ada yang berbeda
Saat dia tak disini
Duuh, aku bingung jadinya

Setiap kaliku pejamkan mata
Ku selalu ada dia
Ku makin bingung jadinya

Tak kusangkah jadi begini akhirnya
Semoga dia tak sadar
Malu malu hatiku

Awalnya ku pura pura
Lama lama ku jadi suka
Oh tuhan, inikah yang namanya cinta

Tadinya biasa saja
Sekarang ku benar benar cinta
Kuharap ini sebentar saja

Du du du du du du du…
Du du du du du du du du du duuu…

Awalnya ku pura pura
Lama lama ku jadi suka
Oh tuhan, inikah yang namanya cinta

Tadinya biasa saja
Sekarang ku benar benar cinta
Kuharap ini sebentar saja
Kuharap ini sebentar saja
Sebentar saja 3x

Kord Gitar...^^..

G D/F# Dm/F
Kurasakan ada yang berbeda

E Am Cm
Saat dia tak disini

Duh, aku bingung jadinya

G D/F# Dm/F
Setiap kaliku pejamkan mata

E Am Cm
Ku selalu ada dia

Ku makin bingung jadinya

Bm Em Am G D/F#
Tak kusangka jadi begini akhirnya

Em Am
Semoga dia tak sadar

Malu malu hatiku

Awalnya ku pura pura

Bm Em
Lama-lama ku jadi suka

Am D G G7
Oh Tuhan,inikah yang namanya cinta

Tadinya biasa saja

Bm Em
Sekarang ku benar benar cinta

Am D G D F Em C E
Kuharap ini sebentar saja

A E/G# Em/G
Kurasakan ada yang berbeda

F# Bm Dm
Saat dia tak disini

Duh, aku bingung jadinya

A E/G# Em/G
Setiap kaliku pejamkan mata

F# Bm Dm
Ku selalu ada dia

Ku makin bingung jadinya

C#m F#m Bm A E/G#
Tak kusangka jadi begini akhirnya

F#m Bm
Semoga dia tak sadar

Malu malu hatiku

Awalnya ku pura pura

C#m F#m
Lama-lama ku jadi suka

Bm E A A7
Oh Tuhan,inikah yang namanya cinta

Tadinya biasa saja

C#m F#m
Sekarang ku benar benar cinta

Bm E A
Kuharap ini sebentar saja

D C#m F#m Bm E A A7
Du du du du du du du...
Du du du du du du du du du du...

Awalnya ku pura pura

C#m F#m
Lama-lama ku jadi suka

Bm E A A7
Oh Tuhan,inikah yang namanya cinta

Tadinya biasa saja

C#m F#m
Sekarang ku benar benar cinta

Bm E F#m
Kuharap ini sebentar saja
Bm E A
Kuharap ini sebentar saja

Sebentar saja
Sebentar saja
Sebentar saja
Sebentar saja

Norshahuddin Edited May 2014...^^..

Friday, 23 May 2014

Kisah Moral, Hadiah Bagi Kerja Keras...^^..

Kisah Moral, Hadiah Bagi Kerja Keras...^^..

Hari ini ialah Hari Sabtu. Tugas saya pada hujung minggu ini adalah
menolong ayah memesin rumput di sekeliling rumah. Saya hendak
menyiapkan kerja ini dengan cepat kerana banyak lagi perkara
menarik lain yang ingin saya buat.

" Bolehkah saya mesin rumput di bahagian depan rumah saja ?"
tanya saya kepada ayah. " Bahagian-bahagian lain tu saya akan buat
lain kali." Ayah saya datang menghampiri saya. 

" Jika kamu membuat sesuatu kerja itu, buatlah yang terbaik.
Kamu akan berasa bangga dengan hasil kerja kamu itu," kata ayah.
Saya tidak faham apa yang ayah katakan tetapi saya meneruskan
kerja saya.

Selepas beberapa ketika, saya mula nampak apa yang ayah maksudkan.
Halaman rumah kami kelihatan bersih dan menarik. Saya berasa ingin
melakukan kerja-kerja lain supaya halaman itu menjadi lebih cantik.

Saya pun mencabut rumput-rampai yang tumbuh di celah pokok-pokok
bunga. Saya terlalu asyik melakukannya hingga tidak sedar masa
berlalu. Emak dan adik saya datang untuk melihat apa yang saya

" Tak pernah saya lihat halaman rumah kita cantik seperti ini !"
puji adik saya. " Hasil kerja kamu sungguh menakjubkan. Emak tak
sangka kamu dapat membuat kerja sebagus ini !" kata emak pula.
Saya hanya tersenyum.

Jiran kami turut memuji hasil kerja saya itu. " Kerja kamu sangat
bagus," katanya. " Bolehkah kamu bersihkan halaman rumah saya
pula selepas ini ? Saya akan bayar upahnya."

Saya meneruskan kerja hingga ke petang. Saya menyapu, memangkas
pokok dan membersihkan longkang. Emak menyediakan segelas jus
buah-buahan untuk saya. " Minumlah dulu, rehat sikit. Kamu telah
melakukan suatu kerja yang mengagumkan." kata emak.

Saya duduk sebentar sambil melihat hasil kerja saya pada hari itu.
Saya berpuas hati apabila melihat halaman rumah kami yang bersih
dan cantik.

Apabila semua telah siap, emak dan ayah keluar ke halaman.
" Emak belum pernah lihat halaman kita sebersih ini ! Terima kasih
banyak-banyak, Paul. Kamu telah bekerja keras."

Kemudian ayah saya pula bersuara. " Sekarang ini, apa pendapat
kamu ?" " Betul kata ayah," jawab saya. " Memang susah untuk
melakukan yang terbaik tetapi hasilnya berbaloi. Jika saya mahu,
sekarang saya boleh membuat kerja-kerja ini dengan memperoleh
upah berupa wang !"

Mulai hari itu, saya sedar bahawa kerja keras memang ada
hadiahnya dan ganjarannya !"

### Hadiah untuk Kerja Keras, Friday untuk Mariko-Chan. ###
Norshahuddin Edited May 2014...^^..

Kisah Moral, menCipta Wang Dengan Usaha Keras...^^..

Kisah Moral, menCipta Wang Dengan Usaha Keras...^^..

Encik Zainal seorang petani. Dia mempunyai dua orang anak lelaki.
Seorang bernama Zali dan seorang lagi bernama Zaini. Pada suatu
hari, Encik Zainal membawa Zaini dan Zali ke kebunnya.

" Di Kebun ini terdapat banyak wang yang tersembunyi," kata
Encik Zainal kepada anak-anaknya. " Ada wang yang tersembunyi
di sini ? Saya tak percayalah ayah." kata Zali. " Saya pun tak
percaya," kata Zaini.

" Apa kata kamu gali seluruh kebun ini ? Jika kamu jumpa wang
itu, bahagikanlah sama rata," tambah Encik Zainal. Zali dan Zaini
berasa sangat gembira. " Sekarang kita boleh jadi kaya !" teriak

Mereka pun mula menggali seluruh kebun itu tetapi masih belum
berjumpa dengan wang yang dicari. " Tak ada apa pun yang kita
dapat," kata Zali. " Saya rasa baik kita tanam sebarang tanaman
di kebun ini. Jika tidak, penat saja kita menggali," sambungnya.

Zaini setuju. Mereka pun menanam Jagung di kebun itu. " Kami
tak jumpa pun wang yang ayah katakan itu," kata mereka.
Encik Zainal tersenyum. Apabila jagung yang ditanam telah
mengeluarkan buah, Encik Zainal mengajak Zaini dan Zali
ke kebun sekali lagi

" Inilah wang yang ayah cakap tu," kata Encik Zainal sambil
menunjukkan setongkol jagung yang baru dipetik. " Kamu
boleh menjual jagung ini untuk mendapatkan banyak wang."

Encik Zainal berkata lagi, " Kamu akan mendapat wang hasil
daripada kerja kuat kamu. Ayah bangga dengan kamu berdua."
Zali dan Zaini berasa sangat gembira lalu memeluk ayah mereka.

### Pokoknya, Usaha keras dan Buahnya, berJaya. ###
Norshahuddin Edited May 2014...^^..

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Cinta itu apa ya...?

Cinta itu apa ya...?
Bisa saja soalan ini timbul difikiranKu...

Ia adalah satu perasaan Bahagia untuk Memiliki atau diMiliki pasangan yang saling meMinati satu sama lain.

Ianya timbul apabila hadir keSerasian antara Dua insan yang berlainan Jasad dan saling memberi Komitmen seperti memberi Perhatian Sepenuhnya kepada Pasangan, Berusaha Keras Menjaga Hubungan, Prihatin terhadap Emosi Pasangan dan paling penting keIkhlasan dan keJujuran kepada Diri sendiri dan Pasangan.

Jadinya, kalo kita tidak meMinati seseorang itu, makanya palingkan terus dari pandangan kamu,
Reject before Regret...
Tolak sebelum Menyesal...

Aura Cinta Jodoh setiap diri kita telah ditanam di dalam Badan kita, cuma tinggal Masa dan Waktu je yang menjadi Ukuran Takdir. Bila ianya tiba, tidak akan ada yang dapat mengelaknya kecuali sesuatu Doa yang betul-betul jitu dan berSebab.

Cinta yang paling Best ialah dicintai anak gadis Suci yang belum pernah mengenal maksud Cinta. Kenapa ya...? Bcoz muka anak Gadis itu nampak berSeri-Seri, bak Bidadari dan Aura +++ Semangat +++ mereka ditahap, Badan pun boleh Terbang.
Siap ngan kita pun Terbang dalam angan-angan.

Dalam Cinta, bukan Nafsu menjadi Keutamaan, tetapi berUsaha memenuhi Impian masing-masing dalam menJalani Hidup. Kerana seseorang yang Ikhlas padaMu takkan mensia-siakan Hidup dan keSucian bakal pewaris Cucu-cicit yang akan mengikut setiap perangai dan tabiat Nenek Moyang mereka.

Patutnya kita semua, Mengejar setiap Ilmu, letak dalam Hati, bukan mengejar KeKayaan dunia. Hidup biar Suci pada Hati, jangan biar Kotor ikut rentak Dunia. Biar hati pula selalu Tenang, jangan biar gelisah dengan Dosa-dosa. Usah Takut pada setiap Kebenaran, kerana pada mulanya perit dan sakit, yang Akhirnya manis tak terKira-Kira.

Ntah ape-ape jer... aku bebelkan nie, macam Suka jer...Mana ada..., just excited dan teruja jer... Kalo ada saat berSama jer... rasa selesa. Kalo dapat tengok muka jer... rasa lega coz Dia Bahagia, sambil berSahaja ...^^..

Eeeeeea......Ini Versi budak sekolah rendah nie. Cuma ada minda Budak sekolah rendah je kat Otak aku, Umur aku baru 12 tahun jer kot... Tahu Enjoy dan suka berMain jer. Dan satu lagi kan, budak-budak kecik kan, Suci, tak pandai meNipu, Jujur, takut kat Tuhan dan takut buat Dosa. Minda budak remaja plus dewasa kat Aku plak, takde... Zero... Tapi takpe, Comel la jugak.. Comel itu perlu. Channnnn...^^..
Kuruyama Minoru May 2014...^^..

Friday, 16 May 2014

B1A4_Baby Goodnight Lyrics/Chord...^^..

B1A4_Baby Goodnight Lyrics/Chord...^^..

### Romanized: ###

Uh, Uh, Uh
Yeah what‘ chu do today ? (Yeah)
Hey ! You still awake ?
Oh girl (No) Off to bed with you (Uh-Huh)

Geuraeyo oneureun meonjeo jayo
Geudae jamdeulmyeon nado jalkkeyo
Jeonhwareul kkeunko hwaryeohan oseul ipkko nagal jjunbireul hajyo
Amudo moreuge

(Tonight) [CNU] Oneul haruman geudael sogilge
(Tonight) [CNU] Oneuri jinamyeon doragalkke
(Tonight) [GongChan] Gakkeum eosaekagedo neukkyeodo arado
jom neomeoga jugenni

Baby Goodnight, jaljjayo Goodnight
Geureom nan Dancing, Dancing, Dancing in the moonlight
Woah~ Woah~
Meori soge oneul kkeudaega eomneyo
Baby Goodnight, jaljjayo Goodnight
Geureom nan Dancing, Dancing, Dancing in the moonlight
Woah~ Woah~
Mianhaeyo oneul kkeudaega eomneyo

Oh jajeongi da dwaeseo nagal chaebi
Geudaeneun ajiktto moreul teji
Munja hanal namgyeo (Jaljja jagiya naeilbwa)
Geunde i jjipjjipan gibuneun mwolkka
Era molla geunyang nagaja
Oneul tto Moonlight
Bultaneun i bam Goodnight

(Tonight) [CNU] Oneul haruman geudael sogilge
(Tonight) [CNU] Oneuri jinamyeon doragalkke
(Tonight) [GongChan] Gakkeum eosaekagedo neukkyeodo arado
jom neomeoga jugenni

Baby Goodnight, jaljjayo Goodnight
Geureom nan Dancing, Dancing, Dancing in the moonlight
Woah~ Woah~
Meori soge oneul kkeudaega eomneyo
Baby Goodnight, jaljjayo Goodnight
Geureom nan Dancing, Dancing, Dancing in the moonlight
Woah~ Woah~
Mianhaeyo oneul kkeudaega eomneyo

Iyu eomneun tteollime nae gaseumman dugeun
Niga bogo sipttadeon saenggageun oneultto toegeun
But oneureun bappeun mom naneun cham nappeun nom
Gakkeumeun ireoke norado dwae
Neon naeil jjeume chaja gamyeon doenikka

Baby Goodnight, jaljjayo Goodnight
Geureom nan Dancing, Dancing, Dancing in the moonlight
Woah~ Woah~
Meori soge oneul kkeudaega eomneyo
Baby Goodnight, jaljjayo Goodnight
Geureom nan Dancing, Dancing, Dancing in the moonlight
Woah~ Woah~
Mianhaeyo oneul kkeudaega eomneyo

Goodnight Oh Woah~
Goodnight Oh Woah~
Goodnight Oh Woah~

[CNU] Mianhaeyo oneul kkeudaega eomneyo
[JinYoung] Mianhaeyo oneul kkeudaega eomneyo
[SanDeul] Mianhaeyo oneul kkeudaega eomneyo

### English Translation:###

Yes, today you go to slep first
After you sleep, I will sleep too

I hang up the phone and put on some flashy clothes
And I get ready to go out
Without anyone knowing whoo

Tonight, I will deceive you just for today
Tonight, I will go back when the day passes
Tonight, even if I’m acting awkward
Even if you know, please overlook it

Baby good night
Sleep tight, good night
Then I’m dancing dancing
Dancing in the moonlight
Tonight, you’re not in my head

Baby good night
Sleep tight, good night
Then I’m dancing dancing
Dancing in the moonlight
I’m sorry, tonight you’re not here

It’s midnight and I’m ready to leave
You probably still don’t know
I shoot you a text, “Good night baby, see you tomorrow”
But why do I feel like something is bugging me?
Oh well, I don’t know, let’s just go out
Again tonight, there is moonlight
This night is on fire, good night

Tonight, I will deceive you just for today
Tonight, I will go back when the day passes
Tonight, even if I don’t respond or I respond late
Even if you hate me, please overlook it

Baby good night
Sleep tight, good night
Then I’m dancing dancing
Dancing in the moonlight
Tonight, you’re not in my head

Baby good night
Sleep tight, good night
Then I’m dancing dancing
Dancing in the moonlight
I’m sorry, tonight you’re not here

Trembling for no reason, my heart is pouding
Thoughts of missing you are out the door today as well
But today I am a busy body, I’m a bad boy
I’m allowed to play like this sometimes
Because I can go to you tomorrow (sorry)

Baby good night
Sleep tight, good night
Then I’m dancing dancing
Dancing in the moonlight
Tonight, you’re not in my head

Baby good night
Sleep tight, good night
Then I’m dancing dancing
Dancing in the moonlight
I’m sorry, tonight you’re not here

Good night
Good night
Good night

I’m sorry, tonight you’re not here
I’m sorry, tonight you’re not here
I’m sorry, tonight you’re not here

### Guitar Chord: ###

Baby Goodnight (잘자요 굿나잇)

(Capo 1)

G, D, Em, C, D
Norshahuddin Edited May 2014...^^..

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Peluang Bekerja Di Australia( Iklan Dari Jabatan Kedutaan Malaysia)...^^..

Peluang Bekerja Di Australia( Iklan Dari Jabatan Kedutaan Malaysia)...^^..

Melancong sambil berKerja di Australia. Dihantar terus sehingga
ke pusat bandar atau diiring sehingga ke ladang. Purata pendapatan
harian sekitar RM 180 sehari dan sehingga RM 3800 pendapatan
bersih sebulan. Bayaran RM 3500 termasuk tiket pergi balik dan
bayaran perkhidmatan syarikat. Manakala kemasukan menggunakan
permit kerja sah' ( Permit Sektor Perkhidmatan ) bayaran
RM 4800 dengan purata pendapatan bulanan mencecah Rm 12000
sebulan. Berminat sila buat temujanji anda dengan kami.

Tel : En Khairul : 010-5137 951. Terima Kasih.
Norshahuddin Edited May 2014...^^..

Thursday, 8 May 2014

THE FISHERMAN AND HIS WIFE_Grimms' Fairy Tales by The Brothers Grimm...^^..

by The Brothers Grimm...^^..

There was once a fisherman who lived with his wife in a pigsty,
close by the seaside. The fisherman used to go out all day long
a fishing; and one day, as he sat on the shore with his rod, looking
at the sparkling waves and watching his line, all on a sudden his
float was dragged away deep into the water: and in drawing it up
he pulled out a great fish. But the fish said, " Pray let me live !
I am not a real fish; I am an enchanted prince: put me in the water
again, and let me go !" " Oh, ho !" said the man, " You need not
make so many words about the matter; I will have nothing to do
with a fish that can talk: so swim away, sir, as soon as you please !"

Then he put him back into the water, and the fish darted straight
down to the bottom, and left a long streak of blood behind him
on the wave. When the fisherman went home to his wife in the pigsty,
he told her how he had caught a great fish, and how it had told him
it was an enchanted prince, and how, on hearing it speak, he had let
it go again. " Did not you ask it for anything ?" said the wife, " We
live very wretchedly here, in this nasty dirty pigsty; do go back and
tell the fish we want a snug little cottage."

The fisherman did not much like the business: however, he went to the
seashore; and when he came back there the water looked all yellow
and green. And he stood at the water’s edge, and said:

" O man of the sea !
Hearken to me !
My wife Ilsabill
Will have her own will,
And hath sent me to beg a boon of thee !"

Then the fish came swimming to him, and said, " Well, what is her
will ? What does your wife want ?" " Ah !" said the fisherman,
" She says that when I had caught you, I ought to have asked you
for something before I let you go; she does not like living any
longer in the pigsty, and wants a snug little cottage." " Go home,
then," said the fish; " She is in the cottage already !" So the man
went home, and saw his wife standing at the door of a nice trim
little cottage. " Come in, come in !" said she; " Is not this much
better than the filthy pigsty we had ?"

And there was a parlour, and a bedchamber, and a kitchen; and
behind the cottage there was a little garden, planted with all
sorts of flowers and fruits; and there was a courtyard behind,
full of ducks and chickens. " Ah !" said the fisherman, " How
happily we shall live now !" " We will try to do so, at least,"
said his wife. Everything went right for a week or two, and
then Dame Ilsabill said, " Husband, there is not near room enough
for us in this cottage; the courtyard and the garden are a great
deal too small; I should like to have a large stone castle to
live in: go to the fish again and tell him to give us a castle."

" Wife," said the fisherman, " I don’t like to go to him again, for
perhaps he will be angry; we ought to be easy with this pretty
cottage to live in." " Nonsense !" said the wife; " He will do it
very willingly, I know; go along and try !" The fisherman went,
but his heart was very heavy: and when he came to the sea, it
looked blue and gloomy, though it was very calm; and he went
close to the edge of the waves, and said:

" O man of the sea !
Hearken to me !
My wife Ilsabill
Will have her own will,
And hath sent me to beg a boon of thee !"

" Well, what does she want now ?" said the fish. " Ah !" said the
man, dolefully, " My wife wants to live in a stone castle." " Go
home, then," said the fish; " She is standing at the gate of it
already." So away went the fisherman, and found his wife standing
before the gate of a great castle. " See," said she, " Is not this
grand ?" With that they went into the castle together, and found
a great many servants there, and the rooms all richly furnished,
and full of golden chairs and tables; and behind the castle was
a garden, and around it was a park half a mile long, full of sheep,
and goats, and hares, and deer; and in the courtyard were
stables and cow-houses.

" Well," said the man, " Now we will live cheerful and happy in this
beautiful castle for the rest of our lives." " Perhaps we up our
minds to that." So they went to bed. The next morning when Dame
Ilsabill awoke it was broad daylight, and she jogged the fisherman
with her elbow, and said, " Get up, husband, and bestir yourself,
for we must be king of all the land." " Wife, wife," said the man,
" Why should we wish to be the king ? I will not be king." " Then
I will," said she.

" But, wife," said the fisherman, " How can you be king, the fish
cannot make you a king ?" " Husband," said she, " Say no more
about it, but go and try ! I will be king." So the man went away
quite sorrowful to think that his wife should want to be king.
This time the sea looked a dark grey colour, and was overspread
with curling waves and the ridges of foam as he cried out:

" O man of the sea !
Hearken to me !
My wife Ilsabill
Will have her own will,
And hath sent me to beg a boon of thee !"

" Well, what would she have now ?" said the fish. " Alas !" said
the poor man, " My wife wants to be king." " Go home," said the
fish; " She is king already." Then the fisherman went home; and
as he came close to the palace, he saw a troop of soldiers, and
heard the sound of drums and trumpets. And when he went in
he saw his wife sitting on a throne of gold and diamonds, with
a golden crown upon her head; and on each side of her stood
six fair maidens, each a head taller than the other. " Well, wife,"
said the fisherman, " Are you king ?" " Yes," said she, " I am

And when he had looked at her for a long time, he said, " Ah,
wife ! what a fine thing it is to be king ! Now we shall never have
anything more to wish for as long as we live." " I don’t know how
that may be," said she; " Never is a long time. I am king, it is
true; but I begin to be tired of that, and I think I should like to
be emperor." " Alas, wife ! why should you wish to be emperor ?"
said the fisherman. " Husband," said she, " Go to the fish ! I say
I will be emperor." " Ah, wife !" replied the fisherman, " The fish
cannot make an emperor, I am sure, and I should not like to ask
him for such a thing."

" I am king," said Ilsabill, " And you are my slave; so go at once !"
So the fisherman was forced to go; and he muttered as he went
along, " This will come to no good, it is too much to ask; the fish
will be tired at last, and then we shall be sorry for what we have
done." He soon came to the seashore; and the water was quite
black and muddy, and a mighty whirlwind blew over the waves
and rolled them about, but he went as near as he could to the
water’s brink, and said:

" O man of the sea !
Hearken to me !
My wife Ilsabill
Will have her own will,
And hath sent me to beg a boon of thee !"

" What would she have now ?" said the fish. " Ah !" said the
fisherman, " She wants to be emperor." " Go home," said the fish;
" She is emperor already." So he went home again; and as he
came near he saw his wife Ilsabill sitting on a very lofty throne
made of solid gold, with a great crown on her head full two yards
high; and on each side of her stood her guards and attendants in
a row, each one smaller than the other, from the tallest giant down
to a little dwarf no bigger than my finger. And before her stood
princes, and dukes, and earls: and the fisherman went up to her
and said, " Wife, are you emperor ?"

" Yes," said she, " I am emperor." " Ah !" said the man, as he gazed
upon her, " What a fine thing it is to be emperor !" " Husband,"
said she, " Why should we stop at being emperor ? I will be pope
next." " O wife, wife !" said he, " How can you be pope ? there is
but one pope at a time in Christendom." " Husband," said she,
" I will be pope this very day." " But," replied the husband, " The
fish cannot make you pope." " What nonsense !" said she; " If he
can make an emperor, he can make a pope: go and try him."

So the fisherman went. But when he came to the shore the wind was
raging and the sea was tossed up and down in boiling waves, and
the ships were in trouble, and rolled fearfully upon the tops of the
billows. In the middle of the heavens there was a little piece of
blue sky, but towards the south all was red, as if a dreadful storm
was rising. At this sight the fisherman was dreadfully frightened,
and he trembled so that his knees knocked together: but still he
went down near to the shore, and said:

" O man of the sea !
Hearken to me !
My wife Ilsabill
Will have her own will,
And hath sent me to beg a boon of thee !"

" What does she want now ?" said the fish. " Ah !" said the fisherman,
" My wife wants to be pope." " Go home," said the fish; " She is pope
already." Then the fisherman went home, and found Ilsabill sitting
on a throne that was two miles high. And she had three great crowns
on her head, and around her stood all the pomp and power of the
Church. And on each side of her were two rows of burning lights,
of all sizes, the greatest as large as the highest and biggest tower
in the world, and the least no larger than a small rushlight.

" Wife," said the fisherman, as he looked at all this greatness,
" Are you pope ?" " Yes," said she, " I am pope." " Well, wife,"
replied he, " It is a grand thing to be pope; and now you must be
easy, for you can be nothing greater." " I will think about that,"
said the wife. Then they went to bed: but Dame Ilsabill could not
sleep all night for thinking what she should be next. At last, as
she was dropping asleep, morning broke, and the sun rose. " Ha !"
thought she, as she woke up and looked at it through the window,
" After all I cannot prevent the sun rising."

At this thought she was very angry, and wakened her husband, and
said, " Husband, go to the fish and tell him I must be lord of the
sun and moon." The fisherman was half asleep, but the thought
frightened him so much that he started and fell out of bed.
" Alas, wife !" said he, " Cannot you be easy with being pope ?"
" No," said she, " I am very uneasy as long as the sun and moon
rise without my leave. Go to the fish at once !"

Then the man went shivering with fear; and as he was going down to
the shore a dreadful storm arose, so that the trees and the very
rocks shook. And all the heavens became black with stormy clouds,
and the lightnings played, and the thunders rolled; and you might
have seen in the sea great black waves, swelling up like mountains
with crowns of white foam upon their heads. And the fisherman
crept towards the sea, and cried out, as well as he could:

" O man of the sea !
Hearken to me !
My wife Ilsabill
Will have her own will,
And hath sent me to beg a boon of thee !"

" What does she want now ?" said the fish. " Ah !" said he, " She
wants to be lord of the sun and moon." " Go home," said the fish,
" To your pigsty again." And there they live to this very day.
Norshahuddin Edited May 2014...^^..